5 things to know to treat shingles effectively and safely

Shingles is a painful skin rash. Shaped like a bunch of pimples that wrap around one side of your torso or face. Shingles is very painful
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5 things to know to treat shingles effectively and safely
Shingles are a common skin disease. although it is not very dangerous. will cause complications later if it is not treated. Let's take a look at the following five notes to effectively treat shingles!

Shingles. 5 things to know to treat shingles effectively and safely
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1. Shingles and their causes

Shingles are not just a disease, but in folklore, many people mistakenly believe that its cause is due to exposure to worms leading to shingles as the name implies. This is basically a disease caused by the invasion of the herpes zoster virus. This also harbors the virus responsible for chickenpox.

2. Symptoms of shingles

When shingles, its most obvious manifestation is the appearance of blisters on the surface of the skin, which cause pain and itching. Besides this, the patient may also experience other symptoms. such as headaches, fever, flu, etc.

After about 10 to 12 days, the blisters will form pus and peel off. When removing the crust is, the disease disappears and sometimes leaves a scar.

From ulcerated red pimples, shingles can be easily transmitted through accidental contact. especially when the pimple is broken. Therefore, this is a disease that many people are very worried about.


the skin manifestations of shingles are very similar to shingles or wounds caused by three-section ants. but they are not the same, there is no need to confuse them. Please refer to the following Therapeutic suggestions to get rid of the disease quickly!

3. Suggest 6 effective ways to treat shingles

 how to cure diseases is often transmitted to each other by chewing green beans or sticky rice and applying it to shingles. But this is not an effective method because it has calmed. or cooling effect only for a short time. which sometimes leads to infection of the wound, making the disease worse.

1. Treatment of shingles with antibiotics

Depending on each stage and the different severity of the disease, we use the appropriate drugs for treatment.

When you want to reduce the duration of the rash and reduce the burning pain caused by red pimples. you can use antiviral drugs

If the pain does not improve, the patient should take some additional pain relievers such as gabapentin. or pregabalin for 1 to 3 weeks and possibly longer.

In addition, for the treatment of skin damage by shingles. you can use various types of solutions. For wounds with a lot of discharge, topical medications such as Groats, and caliper are. or antibiotic solutions should be used. For drier skin, Acyclovir cream can be applied to relieve pain or cool the wound.

For skin that is already affected. the next antibiotic ointments that you can choose to treat are Bactroban or Vauban.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known for many different uses. including treating shingles very effectively.

Thanks to its activity, the use of vitamin C for shingles patients has the effect of accelerating wound healing. You should also consult with your doctor to find out the correct dosage and method of use!

In addition to specialized drugs, some of the following natural ingredients are also used to effectively treat shingles.

3. Honey

According to numerous studies, honey has a very high content of antibacterial and antiviral substances. so this becomes one of the natural ingredients that many people use to effectively cleanse and heal.

Honey is also a great option for treating herpes sores caused by shingles. You can easily cure it by applying a thin layer of honey. to the damaged skin and leave it for a couple of hours, then rinse and dry.

4. Red artichoke

Red artichoke or better known as hibiscus. also one of the natural ingredients that can treat herpes zoster wounds.

The treatment is also very simple, just take the flower petals. mix them with a little water and then apply the mixture to the area affected by shingles to create unexpected effects.

5. Licorice

Another option is licorice, you can use it in various forms such as licorice powder or tea to treat shingles.

As for licorice tea, drinking it daily has a cooling effect on the body and relieves wounds. As for licorice powder, all you need to do is mix it with a little water to form a mixture. and then take the mixture to apply to the damaged skin. to relieve pain and heal the wound caused by herpes zoster quickly.

6. Use cold water

This is also a procedure recommended by doctors. You just need to use a bandage moistened with cold water and apply it to the displaced wound for 20 minutes. this will help cool the wound and quickly dry the blisters to form crusts for faster healing.

4. Some observations when treating shingles at home

When treating herpes zoster, the following points should be observed to ensure that the wound does not become infected and the healing time is shortened:

  • The patient should wear loose, well-ventilated clothing to avoid touching the wound and not allow the blisters to burst.
  • Because it is a disease that can be transmitted through contact with wound secretions, avoid skin-to-skin contact. and towels should not be shared with patients.
  • Do not arbitrarily apply mung beans and chewed sticky rice to the wound due to the high probability of infection.
  • During the treatment period, you can still exercise or maintain normal personal hygiene.

5. When should the patient be taken to the doctor

Although this is not a serious disease, you should not be too self-centered, especially in the following cases:

  • Herpes zoster that spreads to form a ring on one side of the body causes pain, you should see a doctor for timely treatment.
  • The appearance of herpes zoster on the face, especially around the eye area, is very dangerous. Because in this case, shingles can affect the eyes. leading to blindness and eye damage.
  • If a person with herpes zoster has diseases that cause immunodeficiency, high fever, or blisters that spread to various parts of the body uncontrollably. he should see a doctor for treatment to prevent complications.

Are shingles contagious?

The varicella-zoster virus is responsible for the skin infection known as shingles. It can be painful and uncomfortable, but it is not contagious.

How long will shingles last?

Shingles last for 3 weeks to a month. During that time, they can be extremely painful because they have blisters and scabs on them. It will eventually go away on its own, but there are treatments available to help alleviate the symptoms.

Is shingles a dangerous disease?

There is a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding shingles. Some people think that shingles are a serious disease, while others think that it is just a minor inconvenience. Although shingles can be a serious complication, it is not always dangerous. In fact, shingles are often more of a nuisance than anything else.

a summary

Shingle is a disease that bothers many people. we hope that you will gain more knowledge and skills in treating this disease through the treatment of shingles mentioned above. 
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