Stomach ulcer: foods that people with stomach ulcers should refrain from
A stomach ulcer is a disease of modern society, it is common in people who experience severe stress, stay awake for several days, etc. Get to know 6 foods that people with stomach ulcers should refrain from eating.
1. Stomach ulcers should refrain from spicy food
Spicy and spicy foods are not the cause of the peptic ulcer. However, for people who already have ulcers, spicy foods will irritate them, making the condition worse. Therefore, people with stomach ulcers should refrain from spicy. and spicy foods, for instance, chili powder and black pepper mustard, kimchi, etc.
2. Fatty foods
If you have a stomach ulcer, then you should refrain from fatty foods. Typical for this group are fried foods, toasts, cold cuts, sausages, sausages, and fast foods such as french fries, fried chicken wings, sandwiches, etc., And it seems that this is the favorite food of many people. They hinder the stomach's ability to digest food.
3. Foods with high acidity
The environment inside the stomach is acidic, the pH of the stomach ranges from 1.6 to 2.4. If the acidity level in the stomach increases significantly. this will damage the stomach lining. and this is also one of the main causes of this disease.
Therefore, when eating, you should pay attention to abstaining from foods that reduce the pH of the stomach. For example, star fruit, oranges, mangoes, Tangerines, apricots, peaches, etc., However, if you want, you can still eat a moderate amount. so as not to affect the health of your body.
4. Foods with a high caffeine content
Caffeine is a natural chemical found in many drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, and other foods such as chocolate.
You become more alert thanks to caffeine's stimulation of the central nervous system. However, it partially increases acid production in the stomach. which in turn increases the risk of peptic ulcers. To better treat ulcers, avoid foods and drinks that contain high levels of caffeine.
5. Milk
One of the most common symptoms of an ulcer is a burning sensation in the epigastric region after each meal. Milk and other dairy products, such as yogurt, powdered milk, and raw milk, help to cover the surface of the stomach with a film. It would seem that this is good for protecting against damage to the stomach lining. and many believe that drinking milk is a way to help cure peptic ulcers.
However, milk also stimulates the stomach to increase acid production, which stimulates the ulcer reaction. If you suffer from a peptic ulcer. it is better to avoid drinking milk and eating other dairy products.
6. Wine and beer
When entering the body, alcohol, and beer will be converted into acetaldehyde and acetate. They are toxic to the liver and many other organs of the body. Especially for the stomach. alcohol stimulates the destruction of the gastric mucosa, which makes ulcers more dangerous. and sometimes leads to bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. This is also a drink that people with stomach ulcers should definitely avoid.
Does eating aggravate gastric ulcers?
A study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that food intake is the most important factor in the development of ulceration of the mucous membrane of the gastric mucosa
That is, some ulcers develop when people eat a lot, but not others
Ulceration of the gastric mucosa can be prevented or reversed with proper nutrition.
Are bananas useful for ulcers?
A normal stomach is generally referred to as acid. When the acidity of the stomach is high, the stomach lining is damaged. This can be improved by using fresh foods such as bananas.
Bananas are the best for getting rid of acidity from the stomach, which reduces inflammation and strengthens the lining.
What is the average recovery time for a stomach ulcer?
The time it takes for a stomach ulcer to heal is not the same for everyone. It depends on the size of the ulcer and the time when it was present. The size of the ulcer can be determined by a simple examination of the patient, but the presence of a stomach ulcer can only be determined by a medical test. After about 8 weeks, the peptic ulcer usually no longer exists.
What aggravates the ulcer?
Helicobacter pylori infection, the use of NSAIDs, stress, spicy foods, alcohol, and smoking are among the most common causes of peptic ulcers.
What is the most effective way to cure a stomach ulcer?
Antibiotic drugs kill stomach germs. drugs that limit the formation of acid and aid in recovery. Drugs to reduce acid production. and medications that counteract gastric acidity.
Fortunately, you don't have to do the same yourself. One way is to drink alkaline water, which promotes the absorption of acid-destroying drugs. Another is a diet rich in fiber such as beans. The last is to drink a glass of bicarbonate water.
Why does a stomach ulcer not heal?
Ulcer healing is delayed due to the scarring process, also called gastric wall cracking. Ulcers heal by scarring, which is a mechanical process. In the case of peptic ulcers, this process takes longer than in other ulcers, such as duodenal ulcers. The longer this process takes, the less likely it is that the ulcer will heal completely.
Is drinking lots of water good for ulcers?
Sometimes you can find active sores even when you don't drink a lot of water. Ulcers can become active for reasons other than just the presence of acid in the stomach, Myers says. Ulcers can also be treated with more water and food. If the ulcer is active, it is very important to drink water and food.
Is a stomach ulcer permanent?
Because stomach ulcers and peptic ulcers are largely chronic conditions, most treatments, whether surgical or non-surgical, are not permanent.
The speed with which an ulcer can heal depends on the severity of the disease, which varies from person to person.
Are some stomach ulcers like duodenal ulcers permanent?
A: this is the most common stomach ulcer.
The answer is yes. Permanent stomach ulcers.