The best 7 lung cleansing foods to prevent respiratory diseases

The best 7 lung cleansing foods to prevent respiratory diseases. Salmon fish. Whole grain. Nuts. Garlic. Ginger. Turmeric. Coffee
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The best 7 lung cleansing foods to prevent respiratory diseases
foods to clean the lungs. An essential component of the human body is the lungs. Therefore, in your daily diet. you should eat a lot of foods that help clean the lungs and their health. The following 7 lung cleansing foods to prevent respiratory diseases. will help you find the right foods.

lung cleansing foods

1. lung cleansing foods Cruciferous vegetables

Few people know that in addition to chlorophyll, cruciferous vegetables contain a very good amount of antioxidants for the human body. This antioxidant contributes to the elimination of toxins from the body. Broccoli, bok choy, etc. usually can inhibit the growth of dangerous cancerous tumors. Several studies in Boston show that women who eat a lot of green vegetables a day (maybe 5 or more servings of vegetables). can help them reduce the risk of lung diseases such as cancer.

2.  Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids 

Fatty acids, even though the name sounds fat, are indispensable acids in our body. Fatty acids will be very useful for the body when this type of acid helps regulate breathing. and stimulates the respiratory system to develop better. People with asthma are often advised to eat more foods rich in fatty acids. In it, you can pay attention to some of the following foods:

lung cleansing foods Salmon fish

Salmon contains a large number of fatty acids, namely the omega-3 group. Omega-3 not only provides the ability to fight dangerous viruses but also helps maintain healthy lungs. and increases resistance and the immune system of people.

 Whole grain

If you don't like the taste of whole grains, you can like them even more now. because they will help strengthen the function of your lungs. Especially when the lungs are getting a lot of attention in the current pandemic. You should get your food from whole grains. such as brown rice because they contain a lot of fatty acids and vitamin E. and limit the use of bread or pasta.


In addition to cereals, the collection of nuts is very useful for your lungs. You should eat more almonds, macadamia nuts, etc. to increase the vitamin E content as well as get a moderate amount of beneficial fatty acids and fats. Nuts will help you strengthen your health., increase your immune system. as well as contribute to an increased supply of oxygen to the lungs.

3. lung cleansing food should be supplemented with foods containing vitamin C

The lungs will also need to absorb a large number of foods rich in vitamin C. You can refer to some foods rich in vitamin C such as guava, orange, tangerine, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit, and broccoli ... It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is good for the lungs. but it also contains many antioxidants that provide the ability to promote health and fight infections that affect the lungs.

4. Foods that contain carotene

It seems strange to this carotene, doesn't it

In fact, carotene is an antioxidant that prevents the risk of developing dangerous lung cancer. Many researchers have shown that this carotene will help reduce problems related to the lungs and respiratory system, especially asthma. Eating more foods that contain this substance. such as carrots or orange and red foods will help you reduce lung cancer by 60%.

5. Green tea protects the lungs

Although green tea has a bitter taste, drinking a cup of green tea a day helps the body increase antioxidant levels, providing the ability to reduce inflammation in the lungs. The antioxidants in green tea provide a good source of energy for your health. which will help you reduce allergic phenomena when they help release a large amount of histamine.

6.  Spices for healthy lungs

Many spices that we use every day bring great benefits to your lungs. Spices not only help you stimulate more delicious dishes but also help stimulate the digestive and respiratory systems of users. Some very useful spices for the body can be listed as follows:

 lung cleansing foods Garlic

If garlic comes second, then spices will not come first. Garlic has a high content of nutrients, which helps patients improve their health and reduce the risk of cancer. and also helps to support the treatment of colds and fever very effectively. The allicin compound in garlic helps the body fight inflammation and reduce cancer.

In particular, black garlic is a product with a very high ability to fight cancer. prevents the growth of tumors, and also helps users strengthen their immune system. black garlic is also very useful for children and the elderly.


Ginger helps your lungs to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It also enhances the body's ability to remove toxins. Therefore, use ginger in family dishes to increase blood circulation in the lungs. and prevent lung congestion.


Turmeric is not only a spice that helps create flavor and color for dishes, but turmeric also contributes to improving lung function and health. The content of curcumin in turmeric or more precisely from turmeric starch will help you have healthy lungs. fight inflammation, increase endurance, and work more flexibly. Just every day you drink turmeric powder mixed with warm water will be very useful for the lungs to prevent cancer.

7. Coffee

Although drinking a lot of coffee is not good for your health, drinking coffee will also help you have a better lungs. Specifically, coffee will enhance the function of the lungs to function better after 5 hours of use. Coffee will also help the airways circulate better. supporting the treatment of respiratory diseases. or shortness of breath when sensitivity is also significantly reduced.

In short, to prevent respiratory diseases. in addition to obtaining good nutritional content. you should also use a mask when going out and avoid exposure to dust and smoke!

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