What to eat for mouth ulcers to reduce pain and heal faster

What to eat for mouth ulcers , avoid: fast and fried foods high in fat, refined sugar, starches, chocolate, coffee, alcohol.Take a dose of ibuprofen.
Estimated read time: 7 min

 What to eat for mouth ulcers  to reduce pain and heal faster
In the summer many people suffer from mouth sores (canker sores). This disease makes the patient uncomfortable and unable to eat and drink as he pleases. So, what to fast to heal a mouth ulcer Let's find out

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What are mouth ulcers?

There are many types of mouth ulcers, the most common of which are recurrent cold sores. Chinese medicine is called Orange stomatitis, mouth ulcers. This is an ongoing condition of the mouth.

Causes of mouth ulcers

There are many causative agents of the disease, but most of them are caused by poor digestion, irregular eating, large magic pumpkins, and intestinal parasites. Eastern medicine believes that this disease belongs to fire, but fire, it is also divided into damaged fire and real fire. An unbalanced diet is one of the main causes of the disease and makes it worse.

It is also caused by stress, poor oral hygiene, food allergies, hormonal imbalance, or lack of nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, and iron.

Symptoms of mouth ulcers

When canker sores cause burning pain, gray-white ulcers with red and shallow circles appear. Such sores often appear on the tongue, lips, the inside of the cheeks, and even on the edges and gums. You frequently experience a burning, itching sensation in your mouth just before sores develop. It is not contagious, but it recurs constantly and lasts from a week to 10 days.

There are two kinds of canker sores. Small sores appear more commonly. The other type is a large ulcer with a less frequent occurrence, but it is very painful and lasts longer than usual.

Avoid these foods if you have mouth ulcers

Based on the causes, mechanisms, and symptoms of this disease, abstinence from eating is fundamental for the prevention and treatment of the disease.

1. Thermogenic food

Since this disease is mainly associated with fire, it is necessary to refrain from hot foods first. Any food or drink that is easy to heat, burn, or store heat is considered taboo.

Completely avoid spicy foods such as garlic, ginger, chili, and fish sauce ...alternatively, spicy meals like chicken, dog meat, or, goat meat ... And drinks such as wine, coffee, cocoa, red tea, etc. because spicy foods are easy to produce phlegm, fire and blood dissipation, sweet things and strong flavors are easy to produce low heat. Low heat emanates from the fire, and it is very easy to become sores and ulcers.

2. Hard, fatty, difficult to digest food

Hard, crunchy, fatty foods, seafood, or similar indigestible foods should be avoided when developing mouth ulcers. Due to poor digestion, inappropriate food will be difficult to chew when eating solid food.

At that time, the oral cavity will become more severe, and the slow digestion of food leads to the storage of low heat in the stomach and intestines, which causes the burning of heat impulses to burn the mucous membrane, which leads to the return and exacerbation of the disease.

3. Sour food

Foods that contain a lot of spices or citrus fruits from the citrus family, etc., should be limited in use. as soon as they reach the lips, They'll intensify the discomfort of mouth ulcers. The acid contained in the food will eat the damaged skin, not only causing inconvenience to the patient but also making the ulcer wider and worse.

4. Chocolate

You should avoid eating chocolate and other foods that are high in saturated fat and sugar. These foods may increase the risk of mouth ulcers.

5. Coffee

According to the British Medical Journal, coffee may increase the risk of mouth ulcers. For example, one study found that drinking coffee or other caffeinated beverages increased the rate of mouth ulcers by 40% among participants in a Nurses ' Health Study.

6. Nuts and seeds

Do not eat heavy, fatty, and sugary foods that can cause inflammation. Nuts and seeds are the best things to avoid when you have mouth sores.

What to eat during mouth ulcers

Choose light and soft snacks. Soft meals will be simpler to swallow and chew. Soups and stews are acceptable options. Try eating quick oatmeal and cold cereal diluted with milk.

What should you do if you have an oral ulcer?

Above, we list some notes on foods that should be avoided when you have canker sores to avoid exacerbating and recurring the disease. In addition to refraining from eating and drinking, when you have an ulcer in your mouth, you should do a few things to effectively reduce pain and heal faster.

1. Oral hygiene

To have healthy teeth and a clean mouth, you need to carefully brush your teeth twice and rinse your mouth with salt water or mouthwash about 4 times a day. You can make a mouthwash by following these steps:

Take a glass of diluted salt water or mouthwash.

Rinse the mouthwash for about a minute.

Then rinse your mouth.

Last but not least, spit the completed water out of your mouth without swallowing.

2. Taking medication

To recover quickly from the disease, you can use topical medications such as kamistad or silver nitrate that are applied directly to the damaged skin 2 to 3 times a day. If the illness is severe, you can visit a doctor to obtain the proper anti-inflammatory antibiotics. However, the drug does not help prevent a recurrence, and long-term use can cause irritation.

3. Supplement essential nutrients

Foods that contain zinc and B vitamins, such as cereals, should be added. At the same time, regularly eat frugal, burning, detoxifying, easily digestible foods such as fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, green beans, honey, sesame oil, juniper berries, fresh lotus root, etc.

How long is a sore in the mouth?

The average time to heal a mouth ulcer is 6 to 8 days. But the rapid healing of mouth ulcers in people over 45 years of age is a concern. The mouth is a very rich area of the body, and also is a sensitive site.

What vitamin deficiency causes mouth ulcers?

Insufficient vitamin B12 can cause inflammation and ulcers, a painful condition. The most common causes of mouth ulcers are vitamin B12 insufficiency, which is common in people with low vitamin B12 levels, or vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or abdominal pain.

What is the quickest treatment for a mouth ulcer?

In some cases, quick treatment may be needed but in others, it may be needed for a long time. A simple ulcer will heal in one to two days and an abscess in three to five days.

The fastest way to treat a mouth ulcer is to take a small dose of ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation. It also reduces pain and swelling.

Avoid eating too many raw vegetables.

Use a toothbrush to brush your teeth.

Use toothpaste.

Avoid chewing sugar, gum, and candy until the ulcer has healed.

Use a gargle.

Avoid using tobacco until the ulcer has healed.

Avoid spicy foods, as ulcers may become inflamed.

Avoid eating peppermint candy until the ulcer has healed.

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