What is the effect of guava and how to eat it right

guava for. skin beautification, anti-aging. Diabetes treatment. Lowering blood pressure. Strengthening the immune system. Lose weight. Helps brain
Estimated read time: 7 min

What is the effect of guava and how to eat it right
Guava is a familiar fruit that we eat quite often, but not everyone knows all its uses of this fruit. Let's tackle the query in this essay. of what is the effect of guava and how to eat it right!

guava fruit. What is the effect of guava and how to eat it right
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Nature has generously endowed the best nutrients on guava. From there, this fruit carries in it the "task" of healing and supporting human health to the maximum.

1. What is the effect of guava The first is skin beautification and anti-aging

The abundant amount of vitamin C in guava stimulates the self-production of a collagen-an essential nutrient in the structure of the skin and maintains skin freshness. In addition, vitamin C is contained in guava. also has the effect of healing the skin and protecting the skin and body from disease-causing agents.

To maintain healthy and smooth skin, in addition to consuming guava and peel, you can also make guava and milk masks to cover your face. The processing is very simple: mash ripe guava. remove the seeds, 2 guava leaves, and two tablespoons of fresh milk. and half a teaspoon of powdered milk together and apply to the face for 15 minutes.

2. Diabetes treatment support

In the book 150 healthy foods on Earth, Dr. Johnny Bowden says: that foods with a high glycemic index (GI) but low sugar content are still used for diabetics. And guava is one of them with a glycemic index of 78, but pregnancy is only 4/40.

Diabetics should peel guava when eating to avoid constipation. In addition, you should not use guava juice if you do not want your blood sugar to  accelerate without holding back

Not only that, the high concentration of lycopene with vitamin C, beta-carotene, and potassium is also useful for strengthening the immune system, and reducing the risk of infections. and protecting blood vessels from free radical damage-which causes complications of diabetes.

3. Lowering high blood pressure

100 grams of guava contains up to 2.8 - 5.5 grams of digestible fiber. By combining this feature with a low glycemic index, This fruit becomes a magic "medicine" for improving high blood pressure. decreasing cardiovascular issues and lowering blood levels of harmful cholesterol.

When eating This fruit, the seeds should be removed, as they are difficult to digest. To also enrich your meal, you can drink guava juice with a low sugar content

4. building up the immune system

People frequently associate oranges with vitamin C. But few people know that the amount of vitamin C in guava is four times higher than in oranges. 100 grams of This fruit contains up to 200-400 mg of vitamin C. This impressive figure is clear evidence that guava can strengthen the immune system.

Health effects that can occur when consuming This fruit: treat colds, and coughs. and flu and help clean the respiratory tract to prevent viral infections.

5. Lose weight

The amount of fat in guava is negligible, while the amount of fiber in This fruit is abundant so you can eat it comfortably without fear of fat. In particular, the lycopene contained in the guava red intestine is also considered a cure for obesity-related diseases.

To lose weight, she suggests how to make guava juice as follows:

Put the guava in the juicer to get the juice, remembering to remove the seeds before juicing. Add 1 teaspoon sugar and half a teaspoon salt to the juice stir well and add ice cubes to use. Its finest is consumed in the morning each day. 30 minutes prior to meals or in between meals.

6. Helps the brain to work faster

Amount of vitamin C: 200–400 milligrams and 0.6-1,068 mg of vitamin B3 in 100 g of guava are "tonic" for the brain. These powerful antioxidants can nourish the soul. circulate blood to the brain and better maintain brain function.

Not only that, but the amount of potassium in This fruit also serves to maintain the electrical conductivity of the brain, which helps the brain to be more optimistic in thinking, and memory capacity. is also greatly improved. For those who study for exams, guava is a great candidate for increasing memory capacity.

7. For healthy shining eyes

 essential vitamins for the eyes are vitamins A, B, C, and E. They are not synthesized naturally but must be absorbed into the body. It can be transmitted through food.

This fruit is the perfect suggestion if you are still wondering what to eat to nourish your eyes. This fruit contains 3 abundant vitamins (vitamins A, C, and B) that promote capillary Health and slow down macular degeneration and the accumulation of cataracts.

8. Cancer prevention

The study was published in the Asia Journal of cancer prevention. It was found that the intake of lycopene from guava and other fruits caused a decrease in the incidence of prostate cancer up to 7 times.

In addition, the quercetin, lycopene, polyphenol, and vitamin C compounds in guava also have owing to the technique of neutralizing damaging free radicals, effective anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. Some other types of cancer can also be prevented thanks to this fruit. as in the case of stomach cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, and so on.

9. Improvement of the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland plays an important role in the body, as it can control the absorption and production of hormones. and maintain more efficient functioning of organ systems. People with hypothyroidism are often advised to drink plenty of freshly squeezed juices to supplement minerals and vitamins. and antioxidants in the body.

So nothing is better than a glass of guava juice every day so that your health is healthier. This fruit is a rich source of vitamins with powerful antioxidant compounds that can prevent and treat thyroid problems.

10. Treatment of diarrhea

The tannin in This fruit has the effect of stopping diarrhea by detoxifying three kernels, detoxifying three kernels (also known as Bean residue, a plant that contains a lot of toxins that cause severe digestive disorders). and other toxins that cause this disease. Not only that but the abundant fiber content in This fruit also promotes the digestive system and protects the health of the excretory system.

How to eat guava correctly

Limit the intake of small or green guava to avoid damaging the stomach and causing constipation. These fruit seeds should be chewed thoroughly or it is better to throw them away if you do not want to hurt your stomach.

This fruit has many good uses for health, but you still have to pay attention to some things so as not to accidentally cure disease in your body. The number of nutrients contained in This fruit will be lost when processed into juice form. So you should eat the guava whole and eat the peel. However, diabetics should not eat the whole shell. Weakened patients. should turn This fruit into juice or smoothies to facilitate absorption by the body. Eat in moderation, and do not overeat.

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