Advantages and uses of honey fungus, harmful effects
Honey fungus is edible. One of the largest living organisms on Earth. And he can cure many chronic diseases. What is this medicinal mushroom, and how to identify it? and how it affects your health read everything. Do you need to know about what an interesting mushroom looks like. as well as some other interesting Honey fungus facts?
What is honey fungus?
Mushrooms are a genus of many parasitic fungi that grow on wood. Honey fungus is the scientific name of honey mushrooms. which consists of about 10 different types of mushrooms, including Armillaria, A.
This honey fungus grows in temperate regions of the world and is a dangerous pathogen for plants
It works well in recipes ranging from pasta to soups. because they have incredible antioxidant capacity. mushrooms have also been shown to have anti-cancer and blood sugar-lowering properties.
Where does honey fungus grow
honey fungus grows in temperate regions around the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. The fungus feeds on dead plants, causes fungal root rot in trees, and spreads through root-like structures called rhizomes.
These species usually have a long lifespan, constituting the largest living organisms in the world. While mushrooms can vary widely in size, the largest fungal community in the world is actually part of the Armillaria Vulgaris mushroom, which stretches for 2.4 miles through the Oregon Blue Mountains.
Some species. such as ringed mushrooms, are edible and are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. However, they must be cooked before eating because they are considered poisonous when raw.
How to identify the honey fungus
There are many honey fungus identification guide sites and resources that provide information on how to identify honey mushrooms and which non-cyclic mushrooms you should look for.
honey fungus can be recognized by the stems that grow tightly together and vary in color from white to Tan. Depending on the species, some species have a characteristic ring on the lower leg. while in others there is none.
They can grow in groups of up to 50 mushrooms
although you are more likely to find them in groups of 10-20 species. Many also wonder: does honey fungus smell In addition to its unique appearance, honey fungus have a slightly sour smell and are useful when identifying mushrooms.
When hunting mushrooms, it is important to pay attention to the deadly gallerina, a mushroom that resembles honey and can be poisonous to humans. Compared to mushrooms. the deadly gallerina is slightly smaller and usually dark brown in color. It also has Tan gills and a protruding hat that slowly flattens as it matures.
Health benefits and uses of Honey fungus
1. Rich in antioxidants
Honey fungus is a good food source of antioxidants. compounds that help neutralize pathogenic free radicals and prevent chronic diseases. Indeed, studies have shown that many specific compounds are isolated. from mushrooms can effectively remove free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells.
2. Helps fight the growth of cancer cells
While more research is needed to determine how Honey fungus affects cancer in humans. some studies suggest that Honey fungus help prevent cancer cells from growing and spreading outside the body. For example, an in vitro study proved that admiral king, a strain of Armillaria spp. was able to kill liver cancer cells. Meanwhile. other studies have shown that it can even cure leukemia and esophageal cancer cells.
3. Protects brain health
One of the most promising medicinal properties of honey mushrooms is their ability to enhance brain function and prevent nerve regeneration. In fact, the animal model of Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity created from Armillaria has been effective in improving neuronal function. preventing cell damage. and reducing the accumulation of Alzheimer's-related proteins in the brain.
4. Can stabilize blood sugar
High blood sugar can have serious consequences, from increased headaches and thirst to impaired wound healing and vision problems. According to a 2015 study conducted in the laboratory, Armillaria extracts showed strong antioxidant and hypoglycemic properties. which suggests that they can be used to develop dietary supplements and pharmaceutical products aimed at treating diabetes.
5. Versatile and tasty
In addition to their health benefits, Honey mushroom is tasty, versatile, and easy to eat in many different recipes. They have a slightly sweet earthy taste and a unique rubbery texture. They can be fried as an easy side dish or mixed with other vegetables to prepare a nutrient-dense stir-fry. Alternatively, you can use these mushrooms in pasta, or soup. or stuffing to add extra flavor and antioxidants to your favorite recipes.
Honey fungus recipes
There are many unique and interesting ways to add Honey fungus to your diet, from soups to French fries and more. Here are some easy and delicious Honey fungus recipes that you can start trying to help you keep going:
- Pickled mushrooms with honey.
- Honey and mushroom soup.
- Legacy pumpkin ravioli with honey mushrooms and sage.
- Sauteed mushrooms with honey.
Risks and side effects of Honey fungus
mushroom must be cooked before eating. Eating them raw is not safe and can cause serious side effects. Some people cannot tolerate honey mushrooms even after cooking and may experience symptoms. such as nausea, cramping, and stomach pain.
If you experience any side effects after taking honey mushrooms, stop using them immediately. It is also not recommended to drink alcohol with mushrooms. and certain types of mushrooms should not be eaten within 12-24 hours of drinking alcohol to prevent negative symptoms.
When hunting for mushrooms, be careful what mushrooms look like, like the deadly gallerina, a similar mushroom that can actually be poisonous. Be sure to carefully read the photos of the Galerina and honey mushrooms, learn about the differences, and do not eat mushrooms if you are not completely sure whether the mushrooms are safe.
Honey mushrooms are tasty and versatile mushrooms that have many benefits and health uses. Some recipes include honey fungus as the main ingredient, while it is also used in many traditional Chinese medicines as a health tonic.
It is known to have many health benefits such as reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation, and helping with cancer treatment. There are some side effects that you should be aware of when taking honey fungus, but they are usually mild and temporary.