diet of a pregnant woman, the basics of proper nutrition

diet of pregnant woman is low-fat, high-carbohydrate. includes a lot of vitamins and minerals. fruits. vegetables. whole grains. low-fat protein.
Estimated read time: 15 min

diet of a pregnant woman, the basics of proper nutrition 
Pregnancy is a happy time that a woman spends in anticipation of a miracle, the birth of a child. Each person during this period becomes very responsible, tries to get enough sleep, is less nervous, walks more, and thinks only about the good. One of the first places on this list is food.

Diet for pregnant woman. Photo of a pregnant woman amid a bunch of food

diet of a pregnant woman should be rich in vitamins and minerals because the expectant mother is responsible for her unborn fetus. And the proper development of the baby depends on the quality of food. Therefore, when compiling the menu, you should be extremely careful and, if necessary, consult with experts.

5 Principles of nutrition for pregnant women

A diet rich in proteins

Protein is the basis of all living organisms. This is what should be remembered when compiling the menu of the expectant mother. This is a very important product that is of great importance for the normal intrauterine development of the fetus with all its systems and organs. Therefore, the diet of a pregnant woman should be enough meat, fish, and dairy products.

Frequent meals (five times a day) and small meals

In fact, the diet should be the same as that of those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. The principles are simple: eat five or six times a day, and do not overeat. The regularity of meals is no less important than the diet itself.

Eat cooked, baked, and steamed meals

These are gentle ways of processing products, so they are recommended. So it is possible to save more vitamins and microelements that lose their beneficial properties when frying. Keep this in mind when choosing recipes for women in positions.

As little carbohydrates as possible

Any specialist will tell you that during pregnancy, the consumption of sweets and starchy foods should be reduced. And this is not accidental. There is no benefit from sweets, pastries, and sweets for the body, there is only a risk of being overweight. But do not forget that carbohydrates are sources of energy, so you cannot completely remove them from the diet.

At the same time, it is important to take into account that the norms of carbohydrate consumption are strictly individual and depend on the health status of each individual.

Average values:

  • Fructose - no more than 25 grams per day
  • Fiber - an average of 30-40 grams per day
  • Complex carbohydrates - from 3 to 5 g per 1 kg of body weight

Simple carbohydrates-reduce / exclude as much as possible.

  • The volume of fluid consumption per day - 1.5-2 liters

Pregnant women need enough fluids. It is better to drink at least 1.5 liters per day.

Useful and harmful products for the expectant mother

Believe me, a healthy diet is key to the well-being of the expectant mother. The results of your efforts will not be long in coming. According to studies, pregnant women who follow the correct diet in the first trimester (and later also) feel better throughout the entire pregnancy, and have less swelling, nausea, and heartburn.

Here are some foods that are considered beneficial for pregnant:

  • Meat and offal (contain the most protein).
  • Sea fish and seafood. These are sources of phosphorus, protein, iodine, magnesium, and vitamin D.
  • A variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs. They are rich in natural vitamins necessary for pregnant women. Avocados, carrots, broccoli, and spinach are especially useful.
  • Nuts. nuts. They are high in magnesium, omega-3, selenium, and phytic acid. These are all vital elements.
  • Fermented foods provide intestinal microflora, vegetables, and sesame seeds that provide the need for calcium. Offal (liver, heart), green vegetables (broccoli, spinach), and nuts provide the need for iron and folic acid.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may be prescribed additional nutrition. 

This usually applies to cases when the expectant mother has frequent vomiting, nausea, or her weight is below normal.

The next important point during pregnancy is to remember harmful foods, which in no case should not be in the diet. It is not recommended to use them by anyone who cares about his health and beauty. In particular, alcohol, any fast food, a variety of snacks, chips, crackers, salty snacks, and lots of tea or coffee.

Trans fats (margarine, refined oils in finished products) and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet of a pregnant woman. From such products, bloating and excess weight appears. In the first trimester, the number of spices and seasonings on the menu should be reduced. Be sure to check the ingredients of the products you buy. Make sure that they contain as few dyes and preservatives as possible.

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The diet of a pregnant woman, the initial trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy (1-12 weeks), internal systems and organs are formed in the fetus. This is a very important period, requiring special attention to one's condition and health. The expectant mother should change her lifestyle and diet because the health of the fetus largely depends on this.

The normal course of pregnancy is facilitated by the consumption of foods with a high content of vitamins, and if there are enough of them in the diet, the need for pharmacy vitamin preparations will disappear. Additional vitamins may need to be taken in the autumn and winter periods since there are not so many high-quality vegetables and fruits at this time.

Here are some vitamins that are useful for both the mother and the fetus, they should definitely be included in the diet of a pregnant woman:

Vitamin B9

 which is folic acid. The daily intake of a pregnant woman is 400 mcg. Its deficiency can cause improper development of the neural tube of the unborn child. Therefore, to avoid negative consequences in the first trimester of pregnancy, a gynecologist always prescribes folic acid (vitamin B9) to a pregnant woman. There are also several products with high content of it. These are broccoli, spinach, green peppers, and lettuce.

Vitamin E. 

Vitamin E. The daily intake of a pregnant woman is 200-400 mg. It contributes to the proper formation of the placenta and positively affects the hormonal background and blood flow. The risk of miscarriage and the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus are reduced if the expectant mother receives enough vitamin E. Foods rich in it are liver, egg yolks, prunes, vegetable oils (assorted), and sprouted wheat grains.

Vitamin A.

 The daily rate for a pregnant woman is 200 mcg. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause abnormalities in the cardiovascular system of the fetus, and also lead to vision problems. An overdose must be also dangerous for both the baby and the mother. Therefore, you should not buy and start taking multivitamin complexes with vitamin A on your own, let the doctor prescribe the prescription. Foods are rich in this element: cottage cheese, cheese, fish oil, pumpkin, carrots, sweet pepper, parsley, and cod liver.

Sometimes, in the case of, for example, multiple pregnancies, or for residents of the northern regions, the doctor may prescribe an additional intake of vitamins D, B12, and C.

The following nutrients are especially necessary for the female body at the beginning of a pregnancy:

Iron. The daily intake rate is 15-20 mg. Heme iron is rich in organ meats, especially the liver.

Iodine. The daily intake is 200 mg. There is a lot of iodine in Persimmon, buckwheat, and caviar.

Calcium. His body needs one gram per day and it is contained in sesame, herbs, and egg yolk. In the absence of lactose intolerance, the use of dairy products rich in calcium is acceptable - cottage cheese and cheese.

Phosphorus. The norm per day is 2 g. Phosphorus is rich in Bran, cottage cheese, milk, fish, and dried fruits.

Making the right diet for the expectant mother is not at all a difficult task. Gradually proper nutrition becomes a habit, and this is one of the most important conditions for the birth of a strong and healthy baby.

The diet of a pregnant woman in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy (12-24 weeks), the placenta, internal organs, and fetal systems are finally formed.

The fetus is rapidly increasing in size, and it needs more vitamins and minerals. In the first weeks, the resources of the mother's body are used up, but more building material is needed. Therefore, the diet of a pregnant woman in the second trimester should be more balanced, otherwise, health problems may appear for her and the baby.


Toxicosis usually disappears by the beginning of the second trimester but is replaced by increased appetite, which leads to the risk of overeating. As a result, excess weight, problems with pressure, joints, veins, even diabetes, complications during childbirth, etc.

In the second half of pregnancy, all organs and systems of a woman's bodywork are in an enhanced mode, because the fetus, placenta, and mammary glands are actively growing and the volume of amniotic fluid increases. The baby's nutrition passes through the placenta, and the mother must fully provide him with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.


The daily rate increases to 100 g.animal proteins should account for 60%. The division is as follows: 50% - lean meat and fish. 40% vegetable protein 10% - eggs. It can be 100-150 g of beef (veal); 150-200 g of fish (perch, pollock, cod); 2 eggs (chicken, duck, guinea fowl, or 8 quails); 100-150 g of cereals or legumes (quinoa, buckwheat, chickpeas, beans, lentils).

In the absence of allergies, one egg per day is enough, and there should be no more than three eggs per week. And another 40% of protein is eaten with vegetables, fruits, cereals, and legumes.


The daily rate of fats in the second trimester of pregnancy is 80 g, of which vegetarian - 30%. For example, it can be 5-30 g of unrefined vegetable oil (per day). People prone to satiety should reduce the normal rate, but according to the percentage, because fat is not only a source of energy but also valuable plastic material.


The daily rate is 400 grams, but if there is obesity or a tendency to be overweight, it is recommended to get most of this norm with starch (it is found in whole rye bread). 100 g of such bread contains 70% of normal carbohydrates, and eat the remaining 30% with fruit.


The need for vitamins in pregnant women increases in the second trimester, so they should be increased by 20-30% in the diet. Include rosehip broth in the menu, and drink multivitamins in winter and spring. But remember that taking vitamins is also bad. Try to eat less refined foods such as sugar, chocolate, sweets, refined vegetable oils, and bread made from premium flour.


Women in their position need more than was required before pregnancy.

Iron should be consumed 20 mg per day, this is important. Therefore, be sure to include meat, fish, seafood, berries, and fruits in your diet.

There is a lot of phosphorus in mackerel, natural pink salmon, cod liver, dried mushrooms, green peas, black caviar, and gum caviar. Just remember that the intestines absorb 70% of the phosphorus contained in them from animal products and only 40% from plant products.

Plant foods with a high magnesium content: organic cocoa, wheat bran, seaweed, apricots, beans, oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, peas, squid, mackerel, and eggs.

If you get hungry between meals, you can make small snacks from nuts, apples, and carrots. If you really want to eat at night - drink kefir (but do not save yourself with rolls or meat).

The diet of a pregnant woman in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy begins after 28 weeks and actually ends with childbirth. This period is difficult for a woman's body, and it is also difficult for a child.

The fetus grows rapidly, gains weight, and occupies a lot of space in the abdomen of the expectant mother. The internal systems and organs of the baby are finally being formed and developed, making it as ready as possible for birth.


Protein is the most important component of a pregnant woman's diet. This is the main building material for a new organism (although protein has many other useful functions).

During metabolism, protein molecules break down into amino acids, which are exactly what we need to build embryonic cells.

The norms of protein intake in different periods of pregnancy are different. Most of the protein should be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman in the first three weeks of pregnancy, and at the end of the term, at the age of 8-9 months, the norms are already declining. Why exactly By this time, the fruit is practically already formed and sufficiently developed.

Both vegetable and animal proteins are suitable for consumption. Both of them should definitely be on the list.


Foods rich in animal protein: meat, poultry, fish, seafood, milk and dairy products, cheese. Products with a high content of vegetable protein: beans, cereals (in the latter - a little less).

It is very important to include in the diet a variety of protein-rich foods. If there is only one chicken or beef, for example, the body will not receive the valuable amino acids that are part of other products.


Fats have a beneficial effect on the brain, are useful for the normal functioning of the senses, and are even responsible for the beauty of the expectant mother while carrying a baby. But remember that in the third trimester, a woman's diet should contain moderate amounts of fat, sufficient to compensate for the natural needs of the mother and fetus.

The benefits and harms of fats for the body. There is nothing good in fast food, fried foods in a lot of oil. Margarine and mayonnaise are also sources of unhealthy fats. It is better to remove them from the list.

But there are a lot of healthy fats in nuts, vegetable oils, and fish (fatty varieties). These products in the diet of a pregnant woman should be mandatory. Of course, take into account their high-calorie content when making a menu.


At the 37-39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already quite large, while moving very actively, he can even make coups in the stomach of the expectant mother. Of course, for this he needs energy. It is also extremely necessary for a woman because her entire body at this time is under a huge load, it works, as they say, for two.

The source of energy is carbohydrates, which must be included in the diet. They are absorbed through the blood and give the body energy for a certain period.

There are fast and slow carbohydrates. The former, as a rule, are tastier, but the latter is more useful and has greater functionality.

products with quick carbs: 

any sweets, fruits, and some vegetables. Sources of slow carbohydrates - vegetables, cereals, cereals. Various types of carbohydrates must be properly balanced in the diet of a pregnant woman. In terms of quantity, there should be more slowness. A great option for the menu is porridge from any cereal for breakfast or a side dish for lunch dish made from cereals.


Balance is perhaps one of the main requirements of a pregnant woman's diet. When compiling the menu, listen to the doctor's recommendations, because it is based on the results of the examination and tests, which can be used to judge the state of a woman's health. This article contains general tips that may vary.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you notice that you have swelling, heartburn, shortness of breath, constipation, or if you are gaining weight too quickly. You must understand that pregnancy is a very important and responsible period. The health of the baby largely depends on your lifestyle and nutrition, so approach this issue as seriously as possible.

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