Natural home remedies to reduce double chin in adults

In order to get rid of a double chin, there are a few things that can be done. You can try some dietary supplements. You can do some exercises.
Estimated read time: 8 min

Natural home remedies to reduce double chin in adults

If the presence of a double chin makes you uncomfortable in the photos, you should think about the techniques for stretching the muscles of the face and neck. There are many natural ways to reduce and even get rid of a double chin. 

Someone holding his double chin in his hand

What is the double chin?

The double chin is the deposition of subcutaneous fat. This is the extra layer of skin and adipose tissue that hangs from the lower jawline. It is also known as a double chin. Although it is often associated with being overweight, you don't have to gain weight to get one.

The primary factor causing the occurrence of a double chin

 is often associated with our genetic characteristics. If someone in your family has a double chin, then over time you will most likely find out about it too.

With age, our skin loses its elasticity, and fat accumulates under it, which leads to the appearance of a double chin. Features of the bone structure or facial anatomy can lead to the same problem. Or a combination of both.

You can, of course, spend money on complex procedures such as lipolysis and ultrasound facials, but there are several natural ways to reduce a double chin.


Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are some of the best tips for getting rid of belly fat. If you are overweight, try to reduce your calorie intake by reducing fatty and sugary foods - choose healthy foods rich in protein and vegetables. 

Foods containing healthy fats such as fish (salmon, mackerel), nuts (almonds, walnuts), seeds, and avocados promote collagen production and give the skin a youthful glow.

A healthy diet is important to reduce the occurrence of a double chin. Eating more servings of fruits and vegetables a day, replacing refined grains with whole grains. and avoiding processed foods. and eating lean proteins. such as poultry and fish, along with healthy fats. such as olive oil, avocados, and nuts can help reduce the risk of developing a double chin.

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Physical activity

Exercise also increases the body's calorie consumption, which helps you lose weight and thus get rid of the double chin. Walking, jogging, dancing, or swimming will definitely help you.

Moreover, diet and exercise will benefit your entire body, not just your chin.


Skincare experts offer various exercises and yoga techniques to strengthen the neck muscles, tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles. The goal of regular exercise is to relax the muscles of the face, neck, and chest.

Here are 5 exercises that will help get rid of a double chin. Try to be as consistent as possible and do each facial exercise in the morning and evening to see results.

Tighten the muscles.

Putting your fingers on the collarbone will help. Lift your chin up and squeeze with your fingers to feel the stretching of your neck muscles. Once you have held this position for five seconds, return to the starting position.. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Exercise the fist.

 Make a fist with one hand and place your chin on your fist. Slowly open and close your mouth, and squeeze with a fist to create resistance in the jaw so that the neck muscles work against it. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Language exercise. 

Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue vigorously to feel the jaw muscles working. Keep your tongue out for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

Exercise ball.

 Put a tennis ball under your chin. Lower your chin and press it to the ball. Repeat 25-30 times a day.

Chewing gum exercises. 

Chewing gum may be one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of excess chin fat. When chewing gum, you repeat the exercises for the muscles of the face and chin and remove excess fat. In addition, this exercise improves the jaw muscles and lifts the chin.

Lymphatic drainage massage

If you cannot afford to do weekly facials and prefer not to spend money on expensive treatments, then a lymphatic drainage massage at home is an easy way to reduce puffiness of the face and double chin.

In addition, facial massage is a great way to relieve tension in the jaw. It tones and tightens muscles, and promotes lymphatic drainage, making the skin look taut and the double chin less noticeable.

Lymphatic drainage massage with circular movements

 is aimed at improving blood circulation, removing toxins, and reducing fluid retention in the face. On the jawline, there are many lymph nodes. 

so by massaging from the chin to the ear, you help the process of lymphatic drainage. When was our face, we increase blood flow to the area we are working on, which, in turn, increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach the skin, and promotes collagen production.

Raise your head up and starting from the center at the base of your neck

 apply the cream with quick upward strokes to the middle of your chin. Then move to the right side of the neck using the same technique while moving toward the jawline.

Then place the knuckle of your index finger below the jawline and the knuckle of your middle finger above the jawline. so that your two fingers form a V-shaped (you should pinch the skin between the knuckles). 

Run your knuckles with good pressure from the base of your chin to your earlobe, and then through the base of your neck. Five times on either side of this.

It is recommended to have a lymphatic drainage massage three times every week.

Why does the double chin appear

The double chin is an aesthetic defect that often worries not only women but also men.

Causes of double chin formation:

  •  Malocclusion.
  •  Features of the anatomical structure.
  •  Hereditary factor.
  •  Overweight and obesity.
  •  Significant weight loss.
  •  Hormonal disorders.
  •  Age-related changes.

Is it really possible to get rid of the double chin at home?

In addition to the already mentioned at home, you can use other exercises:

  •  Stretch your tongue with all your might - try to put it at the tip of your nose until you feel very tense ؛
  •  With the back of your palm, gently touch your chin.
  •  Open your mouth until you feel a strong tension under the jaw, repeat several times ؛
  •  Tighten and inflate the lips with a tube, then move the lips to the right and left.
  •  Lift your chin more ؛
  •  Wrap your neck.

What procedures can be performed in the clinic

It is possible to get rid of a double chin with Threading and other hardware procedures designed to stimulate intracellular regeneration processes that accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which helps restore the natural density and elasticity of the skin.

How to fix the problem significantly

In the most challenging cases surgical interventions can be used:

a summary

In order to get rid of a double chin, it is important to first understand its causes. A double chin is a condition caused by the accumulation of fat in the chin area. It is usually more pronounced in adults than in children and can be caused by a number of factors, including heredity, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. 

There are a number of treatments available to help reduce or eliminate a double chin, but the best approach depends on the cause. Some of the most popular methods include diet, exercise, weight loss surgery, and facial injections. 
This can be due to a variety of factors, including being overweight, heredity, and old age. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to get rid of a double chin.

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