causes and illnesses of thirst beverages that slake your thirst

thirst is the body's way of signaling that it needs water. The most common cause is dehydration, diabetes, pregnancy and some medical conditions.
Estimated read time: 10 min

causes and illnesses of thirst beverages that slake your thirst

At work, when the family is together, and even in the same environment, some people feel thirsty and drink a lot of water. and people don't drink much. The rate of feeling thirsty varies from person to person. This time, we will present the reasons, possible causes, and recommended drinks

a woman stared intently at the water glass reflecting the mirrorCauses and diseases of thirst, drinks that quench your thirst

The mechanism of thirst

We drink water when we wake up in the morning when we feel thirsty, and not just when we eat. So why are we thirsty?

We usually lose water when we breathe. I also sweat more than usual. Water is always used when digesting and absorbing the food you eat. taking the necessary nutrients and delivering them throughout the body. and when excreting unnecessary substances are generated in the body in the form of urine and feces.

In addition, when we sweat a lot due to the summer heat, exercise. or labor, the blood flowing through our body loses water and becomes muddy. which leads to hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cerebral infarction.

Therefore, to prevent it, the body tries to take water and dilute the blood, so a feeling of Thirst Is Born.

How much water do we need per day?

Our bodies retain water as we age.

  • The fetus is about 90٪
  • A newborn is about 75٪
  • A child of about 70٪
  • An adult is about 60-65٪
  • An old man about 50-55٪

About two-thirds of this water is called intracellular fluid. and the remaining third is called extracellular fluid.

Extracellular fluid is classified into blood and lymph. and an intercellular fluid called intercellular fluid.

The water present in all parts of the body carries nutrients throughout the body like blood. keeps the skin and hair hydrated, produces urine and feces, excretes waste, and regulates body temperature by sweating.

What makes you feel thirsty even though you're drinking water

Although it depends on the amount of Exercise, Physical Fitness, and age, it is said that the amount of water an adult needs is 2 to 2.5 liters per day.

Instead of drinking it all at once, you can divide it into several times and drink it throughout the day.

Why do I feel more thirsty than usual?

What are the causes and diseases of thirst?

Too much salt

If you eat a lot of salty foods. such as ramen soup or pickles, your body will use a lot of water to flush out excess salt.

This makes you feel thirsty easily.

Excessive use of alcohol and coffee

Both alcohol and coffee are diuretics. As a result, more urine is excreted, which makes you thirsty.

Dry mouth

There are various causes of dry mouths. such as side effects of medications you are taking, diabetes, collagen diseases, stress, and aging.

You will crave water to relieve dry mouth and discomfort.

Mouth breathing

When you have a cold and your nose is stuffy, you will inevitably breathe through your mouth, which will dry your mouth and make you thirsty.

Heat stroke/dehydration

You feel thirsty when your body loses water, such as after exercising or sweating on a hot summer day.

When we lose 2% of the water in our body we lose our ability to exercise, and when we lose more than 5% we start complaining of fatigue and dizziness.

When you feel sweaty, when the heat is intense, and when you feel thirsty, you may become dehydrated. Be sure to drink water frequently.


Upon reaching menopause, you may experience heat, hot flashes, excessive sweating, and frequent urination.

In addition, the female hormone called estrogen decreases, salivation decreases, and the skin and mucous membranes tend to dry out.

You feel thirsty because your brain feels dry in your mouth, skin, and mucous membranes.

Diabetes mellitus

When you have diabetes, you don't have enough insulin in your blood or it doesn't work.

Lack of insulin causes blood sugar levels to rise, resulting in hyperglycemia and increased urine output.

As a result, the water content in your body decreases, which makes you feel thirsty.

Sjogren's syndrome

It is an autoimmune disease that causes abnormalities in the lacrimal and salivary glands and is one of the most common in women.

In addition to dry eyes and dry mouth, you will begin to feel pain in your joints and muscles. The mouth and throat become thirsty.

In addition, thirst may be associated with various diseases and their treatment, such as kidney disease, and cancer.

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Drinks that quench your thirst and you want to choose competently

By the way, there are different types of drinks, from those that are enjoyed as luxury goods to those aimed at replenishing moisture and nutrition.

Do you know what kind of nutrients are contained in the tea and coffee that we usually drink?

What nutrients are contained in various drinks and their effects

Caffeine substance

Caffeine is probably the most famous ingredient in drinks.

Coffee is famous for caffeine, but it is also found in cocoa, green tea, and black tea.

Its famous effects include awakening drowsiness, diuretic action, and improving concentration.

Caffeine has the effects I presented earlier if consumed in the right amount, but if you consume too much of it, it will act as a diuretic, making you feel thirsty and stimulating the central nervous system, causing dizziness. It may develop.

Vitamin C and folic acid

Water-soluble vitamin C is known as an essential vitamin for beauty.

Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, which forms the skin, and maintains healthy skin and mucous membranes.

In addition, it is expected to prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease because it increases the absorption rate of iron and has an antioxidant effect.

On the other hand, folic acid has an effect on the Prevention of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and myocardial infarction.

Drinks that you want to choose according to your physical condition

Sports drinks and oral rehydration solutions that you want to consume when sweating

Do you know the difference between sports drinks and oral rehydration solutions, which are sometimes used to prevent heat stroke?

Both are drinks to replace water and electrolytes that are lost through sweating.

Sports drinks can replenish water and electrolytes after exercising and showering daily.

Oral rehydration solution is used for oral rehydration therapy, which is used when dehydration is caused by diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sunstroke, etc. due to cold or cold. Lower and higher concentrations of electrolytes.

Green tea to drink when you have a cold

Green tea contains a large number of catechins, which are responsible for the astringency and bitterness of the tea.

Active deoxygenation that promotes cell aging, antiviral effect, histamine-suppressing effect, and bactericidal action can be expected.

There is also a folk remedy for gargling with green tea when having a cold.

Herbal tea can be used when you want to prepare your mind

There are many types of herbal teas made by drying herbs with various medicinal properties that improve your physical condition at any time.

- Things that improve anxiety

Lavender and chamomile relieve anxiety and calm your feelings.

Things that clean the dull head

Rosemary, mint, and lemongrass work to make you feel refreshed and work more efficiently when you feel sleepy or tired.

In addition, red flower teas such as hibiscus tea have the function of removing body heat. It's also good when you feel foggy in the heat.

The effect of herbal tea is mild, but it's good to taste it slowly to enjoy the aroma.

Recommended juices when eating does not progress

 when you can't eat slowly, or when you feel a little hungry, how about a smoothie made from  mustard, spinach, and fruits instead of juice or sweets

If possible, it is better to take it as it is after mixing, but if it is too muddy and difficult to drink, you can quickly strain it to remove solids and make it easier to drink.

The remaining solids for manually steamed bread, etc., can be used for waste disposal.

Cold juices are especially recommended during the sweat season

 and during the midsummer season when you are worried about heat stroke.

However, for those of you who have impaired digestive function, or are prone to constipation or diarrhea due to age-related decreased muscle tone, cold juices may cool the digestive tract and make movement worse.

It is recommended to use hot juice made by heating the blender because it is also expected to have a warming effect on the stomach and intestines.

In addition, raw juices made only by light heating without boiling are alive with enzymes associated with the ingredients.

They may rot or deteriorate faster than soups which takes time.

Do not memorize what you made, enjoy it as soon as possible.

Turnip and banana juice

Kale, a member of the cabbage family, is also a highly nutritious plant, aka a component of green juice.

Recently, raw turnips are sometimes sold in large supermarkets and roadside stations.

Turnips are difficult to eat alone, but they are great for smoothies. Please try it when you get it.

Avocado and apple juice

Avocado, also known as Forest butter, is known for its high nutritional value.

It is creamy and rich, so it is easy to drink when combined with refreshing fruit.

Warm juice for those with a weak stomach

Cold juices are a bit tiring for those with a weak stomach or those who are allergic to colds, so we do not recommend them.

How about heating something using pre-heated vegetables and milk

I think it's easy to understand if you imagine a "warm smoothie" as a sweetened hot chocolate or potato soup.

Hot carrot and orange juice

Vitamin A, which is contained in carrots, and vitamin C, which is rich in Citrus, represented by oranges, both produce collagen, which forms cells and serves to maintain healthy skin.

  • [Ingredients] 1 cup
  • - Carrots... 5 cm
  • Orange... One Piece
  • - Water... as needed
  • - Honey... 1 tablespoon

How to make

 Cut the carrots into 1 cm cubes, peel the oranges and remove the seeds, if any.

Put them in a blender with water and heat in a saucepan over a direct fire or in a microwave. Check the taste and add honey to adjust the taste.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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