The 3 Week Lash Lift: Secrets to Longer, Curlier Eyelashes

7 tips to make eyelashes long. with vitamin E. with olive oil and red onion. Jack oil. and almond oil. with aloe vera. with honey. petroleum jelly
Estimated read time: 8 min

The 3 Week Lash Lift: Secrets to Longer, Curlier Eyelashes
Eyelashes: extensions are one of the ways to help women get long eyelashes. However, behind this are many unpredictable dangers; a direct threat to the skin and eyes. In fact, you can apply completely other ways to lengthen eyelashes from familiar components. You may not believe it, but with 7 tips to make eyelashes long and curly below; after only about 3 weeks.

long eyelashes. 5 tips to make eyelashes long and curly quickly after just 3 weeks.

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1.  to lengthen eyelashes with vitamin E from fish oil tablets

Fish oil not only helps you improve your eyesight, but the eyes are also brighter. Above all, this is also a very effective skincare item. Referring to this substance, experts also emphasize that vitamin E makes eyelashes long and very safe. Therefore, it is often added to the product line of eyelash extension products.

Fish oil not only makes your eyes brighter; but is also effective for skin care.

Prepare the ingredients: 1 capsule of fish oil, and a cotton pad.

How to do: 

clean the eye area with warm water and let it dry naturally. Use a cotton pad to dip the oil in and apply it evenly to the eyelashes. Mix gently so that the oil penetrates evenly from the roots to the tips.

With this method of making eyelashes at home, it takes about two weeks; you will notice a noticeable change in your eyelashes. It should be used every night before bedtime to prolong the absorption time of nutrients. Accelerate the process of making eyelashes longer and stronger. The thing might be bought from Amazon or from eBay

2. eyelashes long and thick with olive oil and red onion

With thousands of ways to protect the skin with natural ingredients; it can be said that olive oil has appeared many times. Not only that, but many people also use this substance to lengthen their natural eyelashes.

Does olive oil make eyelashes longer The answer is yes? Above all, this is also a way to make natural eyelashes long and thick; the most effective.

Meanwhile, purple onions contain many powerful antioxidants. They help restore and stimulate strong hair follicles. Eyelashes not only grow longer but also thicker and darker.

Required ingredients: 1 red onion, 1 teaspoon olive oil.



 mash the Violet onion and mix thoroughly with olive oil. Apply to the lashes. Combines with a gentle massage to absorb nutrients faster.

Do this every night before bedtime. Wash your face thoroughly the next morning. Keep doing this, and you will quickly get long and healthy lashes.

3.  long eyelash with Jack oil

If you are worried that purple onions will sting your eyes, how lengthening your eyelashes with it is very effective; then you can definitely do it with gac oil. Make sure that it is gentle on delicate and delicate lashes.

Ingredients for the preparation: 1 teaspoon Jack Oil, and 1 teaspoon coconut oil.

How to work:

 mix the two ingredients in a mixture and then gently apply to the area of the lashes. Combine a gentle massage for nutrients to penetrate evenly and deeply. After lying still for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water. The thing might be bought from Amazon or from eBay

If you want faster results, you can apply it at night and leave it overnight. After about 3 weeks, don't be surprised why your eyelash. are so long and thick.

4. to lengthen eyelashes naturally from almond oil

Another way to lengthen eyelashes with vitamin E is to use almond oil. Like the methods of lengthening eyelashes. with coconut oil, using almond oil also very simple to make long. and natural eyelashes.

Required materials: two teaspoons of almond oil and a mascara brush.

How to work: 

use a mascara wand to dip in almond oil and then gently brush the eyelash. Brush evenly from Root to tip for more even and deeper penetration of nutrients.

Do this every night before going to bed and wash it off the next morning. Apply now to make lashes. long and wrap them with almond oil after about 3 weeks. You will be amazed by your long. thick and attractive eyelashes.

5.  make long eyelashes with aloe vera

Aloe vera contains a large amount of vitamins A and B and some fatty acids. It can promote hair growth. In addition, the amount of hydrates helps to replenish moisture twice as much as other substances. As a result, your eyelash will quickly grow longer and thicker.

When feeding lashes .with pure aloe vera, you can follow the following three steps:

Step 1: Using a cleanser, wash your face

Clean the skin, especially the eyelid area. If you often suffer from dark circles and puffiness, use two tea bags on your eyes to relax, and help open the pores, which will help the eyelash care process to be more effective.

Step 2: prepare aloe vera gel

Aloe leaves are washed with water. Use a knife to cut both sides of the sheet. Note for cleaning, remove the sticky plastic part of the aloe vera gut to avoid skin irritation. Then cut the meat into small pieces and put it in a blender. If you do not have a machine, you can do it manually. Strain again using a sieve, taking the liquid gel. Store them in a glass jar and store them in the refrigerator. The thing might be bought from Amazon or from eBay

Step 3: Apply eyelash care 

Use an eyelash brush or cotton swab, dip it in the aloe vera gel prepared above, and gently wipe the eyelash. Repeat the process until the base of the eyelash is completely absorbed.

You can apply eyelash care lotion every night. And wash it off the next morning. Aloe vera gel is not as greasy as coconut or olive oil, so when applied to the eyelashes, it will help you feel lighter and more comfortable.

6. How to make long eyelashes with honey

Honey has long been known as one of the safest medicinal herbs in cosmetology and health care.

Instructions on how to make long and curly eyelashes with honey

 You need to prepare 1 spoon of pure honey and 1 mascara brush

  • Wash your face and gently dry the eye area. 
  • Soak the mascara wand in warm water for 1-2 minutes. Then take the mascara wand and dip it in honey.
  • Use a mascara wand to brush your eyelash. 
  • Keep it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with clean water.

Do this consistently every day for two weeks to enhance the effect of making long eyelashes curl naturally.

7.  with petroleum jelly

Applying petroleum jelly is one of the ways to make eyelashes grow faster.

Vaseline is easy to buy and you can find it in any large and small store or supermarket. Before going to bed, use a cotton swab to put a little petroleum jelly on your eyelashes. Comb from head to tip.

Vaseline comes in a waxy form, so you won't be afraid of it getting into your eyes the way you would with olive or coconut oil. The next morning, you also use water to wash your eyelash. Using petroleum jelly regularly 2-3 times a week, your eyelashes will be long, curly, and attractive. The thing might be bought from Amazon or from eBay

a summary

Curling your eyelash. is an important part of making them look longer. When you curl your eyelashes, it makes your eyes look bigger and your eyelash look longer. 

After following these instructions, you will see a significant increase in the curl and length of your eyelash, you will see a significant increase in the curl and length of your eyelash, as well as a decrease in the amount of time it takes to curl them. Your eyelash will be so long and Curly that you'll be able to skip the curler completely!

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