ways to treat hemorrhoids at home to help effectively reduce pain

ways to treat hemorrhoids. Lettuce fish. Heavenly leaves. Burnt leaves. Add fiber. Drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly
Estimated read time: 6 min

The number of people suffering from hemorrhoids is increasing, mainly due to unhealthy eating and sitting for long hours. We hope that the home remedy for hemorrhoids that you propose below will help repel this unpleasant disease.

5 Home Remedies for Hemorrhoid Pain Relief

Among the diseases related to the anal area, hemorrhoids are relatively common and make many people afraid. The cause of hemorrhoids is long-term constipation or diarrhea, pregnancy, pelvic tumors, etc., Causing the ligaments hanging over the lining of the anal canal or anal veins to stretch too much.
Hemorrhoids cause a lot of inconveniences and inconveniences to patients such as bloody stools, burning pain, itching and inflammation of the anus, and prolapse of the anal intestine (hemorrhoids). This block can enter on its own, but when it is hit, it must be pushed out manually.
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 How to treat hemorrhoids with folk remedies: Patients with hemorrhoids can improve their symptoms and even reverse them with folk remedies with natural ingredients that are easy to find and safe. Here is the useful information I have collected, please learn and progress constantly!

 from ways to treat hemorrhoids Lettuce fish

One of the most effective home remedies for hemorrhoids is to eat lettuce every day. This food has cooling properties, purifies heat and removes toxins from the body, and fights inflammation and infection. The quercetin contained in lettuce makes veins and capillaries stronger.

The first way: wash the lettuce leaves and soak them in a diluted marinade for 5 minutes, then strain and eat raw. Do this every day to reverse the condition

.The second way: if you find it difficult to eat raw, you can mix lettuce to change the taste. 

.The Third Way: cook fish in lettuce water for Steam and soak the anus. Vegetable residues can be applied to this area to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

from ways to treat hemorrhoids Heavenly leaves

Thien Ly contains many vitamins (C, B1, B2,...) And minerals are useful in detoxification, heat removal, and anti-ulcer. So, apply the treatment with the proposed natural leaves 

Prepare 100 grams of washed leaves and 5 grams of salt. Crush the prepared leaves with salt, add 30 ml of filtered water and strain the juice. Use cotton soaked in juice to cover the area affected by hemorrhoids (clean with potassium permanganate).Repeat 1-2 times/day.Green papaya

According to Oriental Medicine, papaya has a laxative, piercing, detoxifying effect, so it is good for people suffering from constipation - one of the causes of hemorrhoids. You need to pay attention to the choice of fresh papaya, a lot of plastic.

Cut the fresh papaya in half. Tie the halves on the legs with the torso facing up and leave overnight. Do this regularly until the hemorrhoids disappear.

Burnt leaves (Live Forever)

The antibacterial active ingredients contained in the leaves are very useful in fighting infections both inside and outside the body. Specifically, the burn leaves will support the treatment of enteritis, stomach ulcers, and especially hemorrhoids.

Prepare 6 g of burnt leaves and 6 g of washed purslane. Chew it raw or drink a decoction. Do it regularly every day to improve the disease.

Adjust bowel habits

Bowel habits also greatly affect the condition of the disease. When going to the toilet and constipation, do not use too much force to avoid hurting the anus and making the disease worse. Instead, you should build a habit of defecating every day in a certain time frame. This will also help prevent the recurrence of the disease in the future.

Besides, after defecating, use water or a wet towel to wash the anus, avoid using dry paper that is easy to damage. Further, mix warm water and diluted salt to soak the anus for 15 minutes. Regular practice twice a day will prevent inflammation and help to shrink hemorrhoids better.

from ways to treat hemorrhoids Add fiber

Just build a healthy diet rich in fiber, then you will not have to worry about hemorrhoids as well as the risks of other diseases. Please add laxative vegetables and fruits such as spinach, jute vegetables, sweet potatoes, dragon fruit, papaya, etc. At the same time, you also need to avoid hard spicy foods.

Drink plenty of water

In addition to increasing fiber, how to treat This disease at home, if you want to effectively promote it, you can not ignore the principle of drinking plenty of water. Drinking about 2 liters of water a day (depending on your condition) will help soften the feces, facilitate defecation and avoid damage to the anus.

 Exercise regularly

Constant sitting for a long time puts pressure on the lower body, and not only worsens the condition of hemorrhoids but also leads to other health risks. Therefore, move regularly, and do light exercises such as slow running, brisk walking, and yoga.

a summary

A common experience is This disease is caused by abnormal blood vessels (arteries and veins) that cannot dilate properly, even when the blood is flowing properly. This can cause excruciating pain. The use of home remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids is often ineffective. If you have a routine, you can easily find the right treatment and better understand the right amounts.  Ways to treat hemorrhoids are lettuce fish, heavenly leaves and sea cucumbers are all great products that are easy to find in your kitchen.

As a regular practice, using the methods presented in this article and learning the appropriate dosage, it is possible to effectively treat This disease.

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