Good fruit for diabetics | the right choice to support his treatment

Good fruit for diabetics, the right choice to support his treatment. Grapefruit. blueberries. Avocado. kiwi . guava. Peaches. pineapple. Oranges
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Good fruit for diabetics, the right choice to support his treatment
What kind of fruit for diabetics, do you know That fruit is indispensable in the diet of diabetics? However, the amount of sugar in some plants is not small. In this article, I will share with you what fruit for diabetics Let's see!

fruit for diabetics

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Some rules that diabetics should remember when choosing fruit

To keep sugar in the body at a safe level, diabetics should not eat fruits with high sugar content, and when choosing fruits, you should pay attention to some of the following rules:

Choose fruits that are low in sugar, high in fiber and low in calories. Fruits with a high antioxidant content should be chosen to reduce the risk of other diseases such as heart disease, complications of coronary heart disease, and diabetes ...Choose fruits that scientifically support weight loss such as grapefruits, oranges, and tangerines ....Give priority to juicy, juicy fruits.

What fruits should diabetics eat?

Now I'm going to share with you some fruits that diabetics should eat!

1. fruit for diabetics Grapefruit - fruit number 1 for diabetics

Grapefruit is the first fruit that diabetics should eat. In Grapefruit, the water content is up to 90%, at the same time the amount of vitamin C is quite high, and most importantly, the glycemic index (GI) is only 25, in addition, there are soluble fibers that are suitable for people suffering from diabetes.

In addition, grapefruit contains a large amount of naringin - a natural bitter compound that helps the body produce insulin. Therefore, diabetics should immediately add a little grapefruit to their daily diet!

2. fruit for diabetics  Diabetics should eat blueberries immediately 

Blueberries have long ceased to be an exotic fruit for the Vietnamese people. The antioxidants contained in blueberries help to support the treatment of diseases well, in addition, they contain many vitamins and fiber. The sugar content in this fruit is low, so it stabilizes blood sugar for diabetics. It is also a good source of iron and fiber, which helps to keep you feeling full and reduce the amount of insulin required. It is also an easy-to-eat fruit on the Go, which is especially important for those who need to keep their blood sugar low. The best part is that blueberries are delicious, so you won't feel bad about eating a whole bunch.

3. Avocado - the fruit that diabetics should eat

Avocado not only has an effect on skincare and beauty but is also a fruit that helps treat diabetes very well. The carbohydrate content in avocados is very low, so it does not have a significant effect on blood sugar. At the same time, avocado also has a very high fiber content and has a mildly bitter taste similar to grapefruit.   This makes it a wonderful fruit for people suffering from diabetes.

It is also rich in monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to reduce blood sugar levels by improving the body's response to insulin.

4. Diabetics eat kiwi well

Kiwi is a fruit that diabetics add immediately. Kiwi is high in fiber and abundant minerals and is also a very rich source of vitamins. Kiwi has a mild sour taste so it is easy to eat or combine with other dishes. According to numerous studies, Kiwi contains about 56 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates.

5. fruit for diabetics Diabetics should consume guava immediately

Guava is a fruit with a very high vitamin content, especially vitamin C, in addition to other nutrients such as vitamin A, copper, potassium, and manganese, which are also very abundant. For people with diabetes, the high fiber content in guava also helps to effectively treat the disease. In addition, the inhibitory activity of the protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B also helps insulin production in diabetics.

6. Peaches are indispensable for diabetics

Do you find peaches sweet and think peaches contain a lot of sugar In fact, diabetics are always advised to consume peaches daily. In peaches there are a lot of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, etc., but not because of the abundance of nutrients with high carbohydrate content, on the contrary, this content is very low, so people with diabetes can eat. Peaches without fear of illness.

7.  fruit for diabetics Diabetics should eat pineapple

In addition to being able to create a natural body odor, pineapple also helps support effective diabetes treatment. Pineapple has many antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties for the body. The glycemic index of pineapple is 56, so it is safe for diabetics. The sweetness of pineapple is not too harsh, so it is suitable for regular use.

8. Oranges are very useful for diabetics

Finally, it is impossible not to mention oranges - a popular fruit today. Oranges are high in fiber, as well as vitamins C and B1, which are very good for health. That's great for the patient, isn't it?'

Besides, the high percentage of water in the fruit is also up to 87% plus the low glycemic index is only 44. It can be said that Orange is the "last leader" in the list of fruits that diabetics should eat.

a summary:

Diabetes is a serious condition that affects the way the body uses and stores glucose. It is the number one cause of blindness, kidney failure, and amputation in the United States. It can also be a complex condition, requiring a combination of lifestyle, diet, and pharmaceutical changes to manage it. One of the easiest ways to manage diabetes is to eat the right types of fruit.

One way to help manage diabetes is to eat the right types of fruit. Fruits are a great source of fiber and antioxidants, which have been shown to help reduce blood sugar levels. Fiber helps slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream, which helps reduce the amount of insulin required. Antioxidants have been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes and help reduce the damage that already occurs when the disease is in its early stages.

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