How many carbohydrates do you need per day Balance is the key!

Carbohydrates are macronutrients with proteins , fats. In order to have a balanced diet, you need to get the right amount of carbohydrates every day.
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 How many carbohydrates do you need per day Balance is the key!
Carbohydrates are in rice, bread, pasta, etc. How much do you eat per day? Many people may have an image that carbohydrates make them fat. and they eat less. Excessive intake of carbohydrates can cause obesity, but they are essential nutrients. As a source of fuel for the body. Here are some carbohydrates that you need daily.

How many carbohydrates do you need per day Balance is the key!
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What kind of nutrients contain carbohydrates

Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are called the three main nutrients and are essential nutrients for the body's energy source.

Carbohydrates consist of sugars and dietary fiber. and 1 g produces 4 calories of energy.

Dietary fiber is a nutrient that humans cannot digest and absorb. so it is not an energy source. but it can be expected to be effective in suppressing the absorption of excess fats and sugars. relieving constipation by adjusting the intestinal environment, and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.

Carbohydrates are an excellent effective energy source for digestion and absorption. There are three types of carbohydrates found in carbohydrates: monosaccharides, disaccharides, and disaccharides.


They are the smallest units of carbohydrates. such as fructose and galactose contained in fruit juice and glucose contained in honey.

Disaccharides include sucrose. which is contained in sugar, lactose, and maltose, which is contained in dairy products.


are starches and pectins found in rice, and bread. and vegetables.

About the action of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an energy source that produces 4 calories of energy in 1 g. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose in the body and transported to cells throughout the body in the bloodstream as an energy source.

Excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles and is used. as energy during exercise.

Also, glucose becomes the only source of energy for the brain. Skipping breakfast makes you dizzy because your brain lacks energy.

The brain needs glucose to function properly. The dietary fiber contained in carbohydrates is divided into water-soluble dietary fiber and insoluble dietary fiber.

Water-soluble dietary fiber has the function of adjusting the intestinal environment and suppressing the absorption of cholesterol.

Insoluble dietary fiber, on the other hand, is amplified by the absorption of water in the intestine. stimulates the intestine to promote bowel movements. Helps relieve constipation

What happens if you eat too many carbohydrates

Eating a diet rich in carbohydrates (sugars) causes a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.

After that, the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin to lower blood sugar levels. but the more sugar, the more insulin is secreted.

Insulin has the function of converting excess carbohydrates into neutral fats and storing them. and if you eat too much sugar, unused carbohydrates accumulate in the body as fat and cause obesity.

Obesity is a reason for an increased risk of developing all lifestyle-related diseases.

Obesity caused by visceral fat, in which fat accumulates around internal organs. is said to increase the risk of diabetes because substances that impair the action of insulin increase.

In addition, if the blood sugar level remains high for a long time, the blood vessels become damaged and fragile, which causes atherosclerosis. As atherosclerosis progresses. the risk of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction also increases.

What happens when you are deficient in carbohydrates

Humans produce energy from carbohydrates (sugars), fats, and proteins. but carbohydrates (carbohydrates). and fats are mainly important for making energy.

Glucose, which is made from carbohydrates, is the only source of energy in the brain, so a lack of carbohydrates can lead to a lack of energy in the brain, causing poor concentration, miscalculation, and irritability.

In addition, the lack of carbohydrate dietary fiber can disturb the intestinal environment and cause constipation. It can also cause the body to lack energy and get tired easily.

In addition, if you are in a state of energy deficiency for a long time. you will lose weight.

When energy is insufficient

 the body breaks down proteins and fats in the body to produce energy. which can also cause loss of muscle mass.

Extreme thinness in the elderly has various adverse health effects such as muscle weakness. weakened immunity, cognitive decline, and can cause bedridden.

How many grams of carbohydrates do I need per day?

The amount of carbohydrates you need per day depends on your gender, age, and activity. The target amount of carbohydrate intake is said to be 50 ~ 65% of the daily energy requirement of both men and women.

If you are a man over 75 years old and your daily energy needs are 1800 kcal, then carbohydrates 900 ~ 1170 kcal are a guide. The goal is to consume 225g ~ 292g of carbohydrates per gram.

If you are a woman over 75 years old and your daily energy requirement is 1400 kcal, then carbohydrates 700 ~ 910 kcal are a guide. When calculated in grams. the target amount is 175 g ~ 227 g of carbohydrates.

How much should I eat per day?

The amount of carbohydrates required varies depending on gender, age, amount of activity, etc., but a man over 75 needs 1800 calories of energy per day. then he needs about 4 ~ 5 cups of carbohydrates per day with rice alone.

If you eat 2 bowls of rice (300 g), 1 udon noodle, 1 potato, and 100 g of pumpkin. and 1 banana per day, then carbohydrates will be 241.5 g.

If you are a woman over the age of 75 and your daily energy requirement is 1400 calories, you will need about 3 ~ 4 cups of carbohydrates in a bowl per day with rice alone.

If you eat one slice of bread

one bowl of rice (150 g), one ball of buckwheat, 1/2 sweet potato, and 1/2 Apple per day, then the number of carbohydrates will be 189.4 g.

According to the menu of the day, you can combine bread for breakfast. pasta for lunch, and rice for dinner to create a variety of meals.

Refrain from combining ramen with fried rice or pasta and bread because it can cause you to consume too many carbohydrates.

Not only rice and bread but also vegetables.

 such as potatoes, breadcrumbs used for frying, sugar, honey, ketchup, and other side dishes containing carbohydrates. so it is important to adjust the total amount. so that you can consume the target amount.

Cakes with a lot of flour and sugar also contain a lot of carbohydrates, so be careful not to eat too much.

You don't need to worry about eating too much for three meals a day and eating rice as a staple food, but if you eat a lot of sweets that contain a lot of carbohydrates and sugar, you will consume more carbohydrates than necessary and cause obesity.

When eating snacks containing carbohydrates

 it is recommended to adjust them by eating slightly fewer carbohydrates. such as rice or bread for dinner.

Also, adding sugar to carbonated drinks, coffee, and tea. which contain a lot of sugar, and can cause a lot of drunkenness.

If you have a habit of adding sugar to your drinks, be aware that you may be consuming more sugar than you think.

Tips for eating carbohydrates well

 Take vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is an essential nutrient for converting carbohydrates into energy.

By eating carbohydrate foods and vitamin B1 together, you can efficiently produce energy and expect a fatigue-restoring effect.

Foods rich in vitamin B1 include pork, eel, cod, and salmon roe. Tai, soybeans, peas, and cashews.

It is also found in cereals. but very little in refined white rice or flour.

Unrefined brown rice and whole wheat flour contain vitamin B1, so it is also recommended to change white rice to brown rice.

 Dining at Veggie First

Carbohydrates (sugars) have the function of raising blood sugar levels, especially when eating carbohydrates on an empty stomach. Blood sugar levels are rising rapidly.

When the blood sugar level rises sharply, the amount of insulin secreted also increases. which makes it easier to gain weight. Let's start with fiber-rich vegetables, mushrooms, and seaweed.

This will slow down the rise in blood sugar levels. Ideally, you should eat protein such as meat and fish. and finally these elements such as rice and bread.

The use of foods low in GI

Even if the amount of sugar contained in the ingredients is the same. some blood sugar levels tend to rise and some do not.

GI is the glycemic index, a numerical value that expresses the speed of absorption of sugar by food, the higher the number, the easier it is for blood sugar to rise.

The GI value of grains increases as bleaching progresses. Cereals with high GI values include white rice, udon noodles, plain bread, and baguette.

By changing them to brown rice, millet rice, germ rice, buckwheat, rye bread, brown rice bread, etc. with low GI values, high blood sugar can be alleviated.

The important point is to choose unrefined brown instead of refined white.

 Chew well and eat slowly.

If you eat faster, your blood sugar will increase faster, and your blood sugar level will rise rapidly. By chewing well and eating slowly with 20 to 30 bites as a guide, the rise in blood sugar will be moderate.

Also, it is said that it takes about 15 ~ 20 minutes after starting to eat before a person feels full. Eating slowly is also effective in preventing overeating.

Try to eat a balanced diet!

Nutritional balance is important for building a healthy body. Nutrients work in cooperation with each other. so if you take too many nutrients. or, on the contrary, take too little, they will have different effects on your body.

Try to have a good balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are the five main nutrients.

The energy production nutrient balance of the Ministry of Health, Labor, and welfare defines the daily intake target for the three main nutrients of These elements, proteins, and fats as 50-65% These elements, 13-20% proteins, and 20-30% fats.

If there are many carbohydrate-based meals. 

such as rice bowls and noodles, the nutritional balance is disturbed and obesity will occur.

If you consider the menu with basic foods. main dishes, side dishes, soups, and the selected meal pattern, then it will be a balanced meal.

Vegetables should be at least 350 g per day. Raw vegetables are appetizing and difficult to eat. so you can eat a lot of food by cooking by boiling, deep-frying, steaming, etc.

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