Physiological and psychological traits of Old people

Old people: it becomes more rational and wiser. Life is the main value. Their appearance ,the skin becomes thinner , dryness and wrinkles appear
Estimated read time: 11 min

Physiological and psychological traits of Old people
Many words old age and old people put a negative meaning. This perception affects the sense of self of old people and the attitude of the younger generation toward them. To avoid such stereotypes of thinking, it is necessary to know the characteristics of old people. Continue this article

Two old people Standing Next to a Pedestrian, Lane
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Age features of the elderly

Old people begin to count from 60 to 65 years. Most of the representatives of this age category lead an active lifestyle, continue to work as pensioners, help children, and take care of their grandchildren. Of course, after 65 years, the body begins a hormonal restructuring of the immune system. All tissues and systems of the body change to one degree or another. Most often, the state of health deteriorates. The social status does not remain unchanged. All this leads to the appearance of certain features of old age and old age.

During this period 

a person needs an influx of energy from the outside. Pensioners can feel like an important part of society if they are physically and intellectually active, everything is fine in their family, and they have friendly communication with other people. Old people need to monitor their diet, introduce as many vitamins into it as possible, and consult a doctor promptly. Many often find the meaning of life by turning to religion.

It should be noted that after retirement

 a person can develop his talent and abilities. What was previously not enough time becomes available and possible. Many old people begin to realize their old dreams: they go fishing, go to the theater, go to concerts, create rest in the countryside, communicate with friends, etc. Such an active life does not make you think that the best years are already behind. During this period a person needs to enjoy every moment, be attentive to his well-being, take care of his appearance and be active. Then no age features will interfere with enjoying life.

After advanced years of age

 old age inevitably appears, which becomes a special period for each person. Due to the increased life expectancy in Russia, old age is considered to be 75 years. Centenarians are people who have reached the age of 90 or more. As age progresses, age-related features become pronounced. The condition of all body systems worsens the nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal systems, etc.

Every day, the cells of the body, blood vessels, and tendons die, and connective tissues become as inflexible as before. In general, the work of the whole body deteriorates: muscles weaken, and bones and joints change. The heart no longer works at the same pace, the intensity of blood circulation decreases, and degenerative processes occur in the functions of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.

Everything that happens inside affects the features of the exterior. Wrinkles and age spots appear on the skin, and hair turns gray. 

Old age can be considered a time of pacification and observation.

 And although older people quickly get tired of physical activity, they still need to walk every day and see friends. Often, even at the age of 70, a person remains an example to follow for young people: he is active, adheres to a healthy lifestyle, takes care of his appearance, and shares his experience and observations with others. The microclimate that has arisen in the family, relationships with relatives and friends, as well as the correct diet, have a huge impact on the health of the elderly.

old people's psychological traits

As part of the studies conducted in gerontology, it was possible to establish that after 60-65 years, a person's attitude to what is happening around him changes dramatically: he becomes more rational, calmer, cautious, and wiser. Life for him becomes the main value. Old people do not care about their appearance, they pay more attention to health and mental state.

The features of the character of a person who has reached respectable years are changing in a negative direction. This happens due to reduced internal control overreactions. Qualities of character that were previously hidden appear. In addition, older people tend to show selfishness and intolerance towards those who do not show them the attention they need.

Other socio-psychological characteristics of the elderly include:

a deeper comprehension of reality

 First of all, this is because a large number of new events do not occur in the life of an elderly person. For this reason, even not very important things become something important for older people, which they constantly think about. Thinking about this for a long time, they do not always come to the right conclusions. All this becomes a reason for Anxiety, Fears, and far-fetched problems that have nothing to do with reality.

Some kind of sense of time

 The psychological feature of people in old age is that they begin to constantly look back and think about the past. Pensioners want time to stop so that the spiritual and moral values that were so important to them in their youth return. For this reason, older people like to remember the past. According to experts, it is useful for older people to experience experiences associated with youth because in this way they can get rid of apathy and feel cheerful.

acquiring new social skills

New pensioners for some time still try to maintain contact with their former colleagues, but over time this connection weakens. The features of communication with old people are manifested in the fact that now they interact more with their relatives. There is a reassessment of previous values and attachments.

The development of increased psychological protection

 On the one hand, this helps to maintain inner peace of mind, but on the other hand, it brings a negative effect, which is expressed in the reluctance to receive new information or change the usual features of lifestyle.

Older people have many psychological characteristics. For this reason, young people often do not understand some of the fears and beliefs of the older generation. Society should become more tolerant and attentive to the needs and desires of older people.

Physiological traits of older people

Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, and this happens mainly on the hands, and feet, in the area of large joints and bone spurs. Dryness and wrinkles appear. The amount of subcutaneous fat is significantly reduced, and sagging skin appears. All this leads to the fact that the tissues are easily damaged, cracks, and ulcers appear, and healing takes a long time.

Hair changes throughout life due to the influence of immunological, genetic, and hormonal influences, as well as several external factors, including Frost, heat, chemicals, and mechanical trauma. Changes of atrophic and harmful nature also occur in the hair follicles, in which the pigment is lost, and the hair becomes brittle.

The total amount of bone tissue also decreases over time

The cartilage of bones and intervertebral discs becomes thinner, which leads to pain, a change in posture, and curvature of the spine. This already applies to the physical characteristics of older people.

The amount of muscle tissue is also reduced. As a result, a person cannot actively work and maintain his activity. He quickly gets tired, unable to do something at once.

The gait of old people

 becomes slower, becomes uncertain, the step is shortened and confusion occurs when walking. The time of support on two legs increases. It becomes difficult for an elderly person to turn around, he does it clumsily and slowly.

The lung tissue also exhibits a loss of flexibility. In the diaphragm and chest, the former mobility is lost. The lungs completely stop expanding at the moment of inhalation, and shortness of breath occurs. Reduces bronchial obstruction and the ability of the bronchi to clear them. Due to insufficient ventilation of the lungs, there is a risk of developing pneumonia of a congestive nature.

The activity of the heart muscle deteriorates over the years.

 First of all, it affects the contractile function of the heart muscle, which allows blood to enter the body. If physical activity is carried out, the body does not receive enough blood from the heart, and the tissues are not fully supplied with oxygen. All these features affect the decrease in the physical parameters of the body of the elderly, which leads to rapid fatigue.

Features of the nutrition of old people

  • It is important to reduce the number of animal fats consumed, including butter, cream, fatty meat, fish, caviar, and offal. It is necessary to eat food prepared without the "participation" of fats. It is better to choose stewed, baked, and boiled dishes.
  • Do not abuse salt and sugar. It is necessary to observe the daily norm: up to 50 grams of sugar in sweet dishes and up to 5 grams of salt in fish and meat dishes.
  • It is recommended to consume low-fat fermented milk products rich in probiotics.
  • It is good if polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are part of vegetable oils and oily fish, are present in the diet of the elderly.

Foods rich in vitamin C should be included in the diet, 

such as oranges, currants, grapefruits, raspberries, lemons, and rosehip broths.

  • It is recommended to eat foods containing potassium and magnesium salts. We are talking about carrots, milk, nuts, millet, potatoes, beets, rice, cabbage, etc.
  • It is necessary to eat more foods containing dietary fiber, namely: vegetables, fruits, berries, and whole-grain bread.
  • Useful foods containing B vitamins such as bran, bread, legumes, dairy products, fish, and cereals.
  • Meals should be fractional and frequent.

Some nutritional features. At this age, it should be included in the diet:

Low-fat sour-milk products. 

It can be such drinks as fermented baked milk, kefir, and yogurt. They are very rich in protein, vitamin B2, and calcium.

Various bowls of cereal 

are very useful because they contain a lot of food and naturally soluble fiber. For example, the peculiarity of oatmeal is that it helps to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, lowering cholesterol. All cereals have many valuable properties, which is why they must be included in the daily diet.

At least three times a week

we recommend including peas, beans, and lentils in the menu, which is a source of protein. They contain a lot of phytoestrogens that can reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. If an elderly person suffers from gout, as well as problems with the kidneys and joints, then you should not use these products.

Eat oily fish at least three times every week, according to recommendations.

 It can be herring, mackerel, or sardines. Thanks to fish oil, the heart works more smoothly, immunity becomes stronger, and cholesterol metabolism returns to normal. Fish contains protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins A and D.

It is important to consume all kinds

 of greens that are a source of vitamin C and folic acid. Greens are best eaten fresh, at least twice a day.

For old people

 due to the characteristics of their body, it is useful to include in their diet various fruits and berries containing biologically active compounds and natural dietary fiber. Thanks to them, the body receives protection from malignant tumors.

Every day you need 

to eat nuts and seeds containing protein, unsaturated acids, and vitamins.

It will have a good effect on the body and the use of vegetables. They can be included in the diet in any form.

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