Discover a new way to lose weight - intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting - not to mention the type of food, limit the time you eat. You must fast for a certain period of the day on a regular basis.
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Discover a new way to lose weight - intermittent fasting
Learn All About Intermittent Fasting Most people when they hear the phrase fasting immediately think of not eating for several days. Forget about it. Because when you add the word interrupt. everything changes completely. And this is exactly another shorter method that has been around for a long time to help you lose weight effectively with a lot of other uses.

 What is intermittent fasting?

The essence of intermittent fasting is not a regular diet. but a method to alter your dietary routines. Unlike most other diets in which you have to refrain from foods that do not help to lose weight. this method is the opposite - not to mention what you should eat. and what not to eat, but instead limit the time you eat. This means that you should fast for a certain period of the day regularly. In addition, this is also a healthy way that helps you feel rested. and healthy instead of feeling sick and tired like the usual diet method.

The benefits of intermittent fasting

In addition to the effect of losing weight much easier than dieting. many research results also show that people who follow this method have better memory, and more energy. and improved cognition, and at the same time benefits for heart health. reducing the risk of cancer and prolonging life. In addition, intermittent fasting leads to less muscle loss than continuous calorie restriction methods by traditional weight loss standards.

A recent study found that this method helped people lose weight by 3-8% in 3 to 24 weeks, reducing waist circumference by 4-7% - an impressive figure.

How does this method help you lose weight?

The obvious answer is that when you fast, you consume fewer calories, but that's not all. In fact, intermittent fasting changes both sides of weight loss .equation. - fewer calories are burned and more calories are burned. Because this eating habit will change your hormone levels. help promote the secretion of the fat-burning hormone. and stabilize ghrelin (hunger hormone) levels in the normal range. In addition, this method also reduces insulin levels in the blood. making it easier for the body to increase fat burning and increase the release of growth hormones. Studies have shown that all of the above leads to a 3.6% to 14% increase in metabolic rate.

What transpires within your body during a fast

Your body has two states, the. A complete case. And " the state of fasting. Your body is in. A complete case. When he digests and absorbs food. This condition begins as soon as you start eating and lasts for 3-5 hours. In.A complete case., Your body cannot burn excess fat because insulin levels rise too high. Only after 8-12 hours after the last meal the body begins to enter. The state of fasting. This happens when insulin levels in the blood decrease, which makes it easier for the body to burn fat.

To put the body in a state of fasting should pass at least 12 hours without eating. It is therefore rare for a normal state of fat burning to occur to us. This is the reason why this fasting method is applied, as you will lose excess fat without having to change your diet.

Method 16/8

The most common type is the 16/8 fast, also known as the Leangains method. With this type, you will have to fast for 14-16 hours a day (including bedtime), eat a lot (that is, eat sensibly - and especially avoid fried foods), for the rest of the time 8-10 hours. Most people find it easier to do this type of fasting because you are already fasting every night while you sleep - only for a shorter period. To adapt to the 8/16 diet, you simply have to stop eating anything after dinner and have breakfast later the next day.


 you skipped breakfast (you can drink water, tea, or coffee). and then have lunch at 12 noon and finish dinner by 8 pm. Then from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., the next day is the fasting period and from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. is the period when it is allowed to load calories.

Skipping breakfast

 - it's exactly the opposite of what we were told. The argument about .breakfast is important. is based on the idea that insulin sensitivity is higher in the morning (in the sense that the calories you consume are used more efficiently). However, this is not really true, insulin sensitivity is at its highest around 8-10 hours after fasting while you are sleeping. and intermittent fasting helps fuel this cycle. Extending the fasting period (up to 14-15 hours) increases insulin sensitivity.

There is no rule that it is obligatory to fast from after dinner to before breakfast. You can fast at any time, but it should be regular. If you really like breakfast and want to stay at mealtime, feel free to choose the one that suits you best.

Other types


Eat-Stop-Eat is a 24-hour fast twice a week (beginners should probably do it only once a week). For example, when you finish dinner on Tuesday, you won't eat anything until dinner on Wednesday.

The diet is 5: 2

A common problem here is that many people find it very difficult to fast for 24 hours. With this type, you can eat normally 5 days a week, and on the remaining two days you have to limit the number of calories you consume to about 500-600 kcal.

There are other, more extreme, and complex ways to experience intermittent fasting, but 8/16, Eat-Stop-Eat, and 5: 2 are the most common. With all these fasts, it is allowed to consume water, tea, and coffee, only completely eliminating calorie drinks.

The only main rule that you should apply to all types of intermittent fasting is to eat well within the meal time frame. This does not mean that sweets are completely excluded. Just choose wisely.

Is this method safe

Research demonstrates that intermittent fasting is secure and beneficial. Moreover, many experts say that this really depends on the function inherent in the human body. Hunting and herding ancestors did not have such a stable food source as we do today. Sometimes they can't find anything to eat, and their bodies have evolved to function properly without food for long periods. Some say that intermittent fasting is probably more .normal. than eating three (or more) basic meals a day.

Although the most common side effect is feeling hungry, people with certain medical conditions (such as obesity). should not fast, so consult your doctor before trying any method of fasting. What if you want to know more details Check out the book intermittent fasting by author Valerie Childs.

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