Why are Sensitive teeth | and constantly sensitive?

Sensitive teeth. Foods with a high acid content. Hard bristles. Peroxide in toothpaste. Broken and cracked teeth. Decay
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Why are Sensitive teeth | and constantly sensitive?

 The sensitive tooth is a condition that many people experience. The symptoms are simple: discomfort or pain when eating or drinking something cold, hot, sweet, or acidic. Sometimes, the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your ability to eat or drink.  If you have sensitive teeth, you may find that you avoid certain foods and drinks altogether. Follow this article to find out more about the question: Why are Sensitive teeth | and constantly sensitive?

Sensitive teeth

Foods with a high acid content

Foods with a high acid content such as oranges, tangerines, etc. The acid content in this food will erode tooth enamel, making teeth delicate and sensitive.

Food with a high acid content can cause teeth to become more sensitive and gums to recede. Tooth decay and gum disease may result from this.

It is better to avoid foods with high acid content. If you do consume them, be sure to rinse your teeth right away. You can also try using a straw to drink drinks with high acid content. This will help to avoid contact with your teeth.

Hard bristles

Teeth are really hard, but that doesn't mean they can't be worn. Be very careful when choosing care products that directly touch the surface of the teeth, that is, the brush. A tooth-friendly toothbrush will have soft bristles that clean your teeth without harming your teeth and gums. 

In addition to having a good brush, you also need to pay attention to strength when brushing your teeth with toothpaste. Brushing gently and slowly across the surface of the teeth will be the way to improve the health, protection, and care of the gums.

Peroxide in toothpaste

Kinds of toothpaste, especially those that whiten teeth, often contain peroxides. Peroxide in contact with the tooth surface will make the teeth whiter but at the same time make the teeth more sensitive. If you are having problems with tooth sensitivity that will not disappear, then most likely you are using a tooth whitening ingredient that contains this component.

Peroxide in toothpaste, which is used as a bleaching agent and oxidizing agent, can lead to increased sensitivity of teeth. The peroxide contained in the toothpaste can penetrate the tooth enamel and irritate the nerves inside the tooth, which leads to increased sensitivity. If you suffer from increased tooth sensitivity, you may want to try a toothpaste that does not contain peroxide.

Broken and cracked teeth

Nobody wants their beautiful teeth to crack or crack. But life is not like a dream even if a small piece of candy breaks your teeth. At this time, the fracture will expose the nerve end, making the teeth feel sensitive when chewing.

Broken teeth or cracked teeth can be really difficult to treat. Cracks and fractures can expose the nerve tip, making the teeth feel sensitive when chewing. This can be really frustrating, so it's important to fix it as soon as possible.


Tooth decay exposes nerve endings, which makes you sensitive. To overcome this problem, you need to choose good toothpaste, improve oral care habits and visit dental clinics for dental care.

Many people have tooth decay, which is an issue. It is caused by the natural breakdown of tooth enamel, which can lead to tooth loss and even heart problems. There are many ways to prevent caries, but it is important to choose good toothpaste, follow good oral care habits, and regularly visit a dental clinic.

The process of mineralization of teeth begins with the breakdown of organic substances and the release of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions. These ions form insoluble complexes with other metals and begin to be incorporated into the tooth. Over time, this process can cause tooth decay.

Use mouthwash frequently

Too much of anything is not good, as is the use of mouthwash. To clean the bacteria in the teeth, the mouthwash must contain acid. This amount of acid may not be harmful to teeth if you use it correctly and vice versa, repeated exposure to teeth will erode tooth enamel. 

The process of constant wear over a long period is the cause of the sensitivity of permanent teeth.

How can I get instant relief from sensitive teeth?

Sensitive or constantly sensitive teeth to food or drinks can be frustrating. There are a few things you can try at home to provide temporary relief. Rinsing with salt water can help reduce inflammation and pain. Hydrogen peroxide can also help kill bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Will tooth sensitivity disappears.

In some cases, tooth sensitivity may not disappear on its own. If this is the case for you, consult your dentist for further help. There are treatments available that may help relieve allergies.

In most cases, tooth sensitivity will not disappear on its own. Some people may feel relief from toothache medications or from using dental floss, but most people will need to continue using these procedures to reduce sensitivity.

Does salt help sensitive teeth?

Saltwater can help reduce tooth sensitivity quickly by balancing the pH level inside the mouth and reducing plaque.

One study found that when people used mouthwash with salt, the sensitivity of their teeth decreased. Saline mouthwashes help create an alkaline environment in the mouth and reduce plaque buildup.

Does sensitivity to cold indicate a cavity?

Many people mistakenly believe that the sensitivity of the teeth means that they have a cavity, but this is not always the case. There are a few things you can do to determine if you actually have a cavity. Firstly, if your teeth are constantly sensitive, it may be a sign of a cavity. Secondly, if you have tingling or tickling in your teeth at certain times, this can also be a sign of a cavity.

When should you worry about sensitive teeth?

When you first notice tooth sensitivity, there are a few things you should pay attention to.  If the allergy is only occasional and lasts no more than a day, you may not need to worry. However, if the allergy is persistent or persists for more than a week, it is time to visit the dentist for an evaluation.

Sensitive teeth can be a sign of a bigger problem that can endanger your dental health or cause an unbearable level of discomfort for a long period. It's time to visit the dentist for treatment.

a summary

'If your teeth are constantly sensitive and you have to avoid hot or cold foods and drinks, you may have a tooth allergy. You may feel discomfort or pain when you eat or drink something sweet, hot, or cold, or when brushing your teeth. 

Tooth sensitivity can also be triggered by inhaling cold air. Tooth sensitivity can be a sign of other dental problems, such as gum disease or tooth decay. 

There are some things you can do to help relieve tooth sensitivity. You can avoid hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks, and you can brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. If the allergy is severe, the dentist may prescribe a local anesthetic such as lidocaine or benzocaine. 

If the allergy is caused by a dental problem, the dentist may recommend dental implants or a dental crown.

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