a lazy diet: benefits, 7-day lazy keto meal plan. Reviews of nutritionists

lazy diet is suitable for those wishing to lose weight without a change in lifestyle and a lazy keto meal plan for 7 days. Reviews of nutritionists
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a lazy diet: benefits, 7-day lazy keto meal plan. Reviews of nutritionists
The lazy diet is suitable for those who want to start losing weight without a significant change in lifestyle and nutrition. On this diet, you need to drink a large amount of water for half an hour. before meals.

a lazy diet: too lazy to work out.

According to nutritionists, an increase in fluid intake during a diet can instill the habit of drinking as much water as the body needs. which will help achieve results. The menu for the week shows at what time and how much liquid you need to drink.

The benefits of a lazy diet

The diet is considered lazy because it does not require calorie counting or diet changes. or tight dietary constraints.

The fundamental idea behind the diet is to swap out some meals with glasses of water.. as well as take it before meals. Thus, the walls of the stomach are tightened and the body is fooled. and the feeling of hunger recedes in time. forcing you to eat a little less or avoid harmful snacks at the first request.

Also, after such forced amounts of water, you will not want to drink something extra, naturally. you can avoid harmful drinks: soda, sweet tea, and coffee. lemonade, and cocktails that provide little fluid. but a lot of additional carbohydrates.

Cons of the lazy diet

Drinking more water increases the workload on the kidneys. and removes calcium and sodium. That is why the diet is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. with a low content of minerals. Before dieting, you should consult a doctor and additionally take mineral complexes.

With some bowel diseases, an exacerbation of pathology is also possible. Replacing food with water does not replace eating. and with an inadequate and irregular diet, stomach pain, and gastritis. and indigestion can occur.

Some inconvenience causes frequent urination.

The menu of the daily lazy diet

The menu consists of your usual products. But it should be borne in mind that even a large intake of water, followed by jamming with high-calorie foods .such as french fries, will have practically no effect. Therefore, we advise a week-long diet, which is a healthy diet without strict restrictions.

It is better to reduce the amount of salt, as it contributes to the formation of edema, the likelihood of which is very high with this amount of water. You also need to exclude flour and drink only water. as a liquid, not sweet juices and soda.

Day 1

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water.

Breakfast: millet porridge with raisins and milk.

30 minutes before the snack: two glasses of water.

Snack: an Apple

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water.

Lunch: chicken noodle soup and cabbage salad.

More than 30 minutes before dinner: two glasses of water.

Dinner: cheese with honey

The second day

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water.

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk.

30 minutes before the snack: two glasses of water.

Snack: grapefruit

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water.

Lunch: broccoli and cauliflower casserole, boiled white fish.

No more than 30 minutes before dinner: two glasses of water.

Dinner: a glass of kefir, whole grain toast with cottage cheese.

Day 3

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water.

Breakfast: scrambled eggs with herbs.

30 minutes before the snack: two glasses of water.

Snack: pear

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water.

Lunch: Soup with chicken meatballs and beans.

30 minutes before dinner: 2 glasses of water

Boiling an egg and drinking fermented baked milk for dinner.

Fourth day

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water.

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes.

30 minutes before a snack: two glasses of water

Snack: an Apple

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water.

Lunch: buckwheat with liver stewed in sour cream.

30 minutes before dinner: two glasses of water.

Dinner: a slice of cheese and grated carrot salad.

Day 5

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water.

Breakfast: two boiled eggs, grapefruit

30 minutes before the snack: two glasses of water.

Snack: Orange

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water

Lunch: spaghetti with boiled chicken breast, tomato, or cucumber

Above 30 minutes before dinner: two glasses of water

Dinner: baked eggplant

The sixth day

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water.

Breakfast: whole grain toast with cottage cheese and plain yogurt.

30 minutes before the snack: two glasses of water.

Snack: apples

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water.

Lunch: mashed vegetable soup, beef fillet.

30 minutes before dinner: two glasses of water.

Dinner: bell pepper, tomato, and cucumber salad with olive oil

The seventh day

30 minutes before breakfast: two glasses of water

Breakfast: watery oatmeal with honey and berries.

30 minutes before the snack: two glasses of water.

Snack: grapefruit

30 minutes before lunch: two glasses of water.

Lunch: spaghetti with boiled chicken breast.

And tomatoes 30 minutes before dinner: two glasses of water.

Dinner: grilled fish and stewed zucchini.

Half an hour before each main meal, you need to drink one or two glasses of water at room temperature in small slow sips. The number of glasses depends on the size of the planned meal - the larger it is, the more water you need to drink before it.


It is impossible to adhere to such a diet for more than 7 days since an increased load on the kidneys is harmful. It is almost impossible to lose 12 kilograms in one week without a full-fledged hunger strike. so you have to count on a smaller result: from 3 to 9 kg. However, faster weight loss is dangerous to health. so this pace is fast enough and relatively safe.

If you feel discomfort after drinking water, drink the liquid slower, and warmer. or reduce the amount.

Reviews of nutritionists

- A lazy diet is really one of these because you don't need to count calories or change your diet - just drink water on time. But keep in mind that if the food is high-calorie and unbalanced, then water will not help much. At first, a bright effect may occur, because water helps to cleanse the intestines. 

But then weight loss will slow down. and the body will get used to the new norm of water. You need to adjust your diet and add physical activity to achieve results. A lazy diet can instill the habit of drinking fluids. which is useful because people often do not drink enough water. In case of diseases of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys, it is necessary to consult a doctor before dieting, 

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