Allergy : causes, treatment with folk remedies, and methods of prevention

Allergy is a condition caused by the reaction of the immune system to harmless substances. Symptoms, skin rash and itching, sneezing, or asthma.
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Allergy: causes, treatment with folk remedies, and methods of prevention
Allergy is an abnormal immune response to a typically harmless substance. Sneezing, watery eyes, a runny nose, and itching are other symptoms. Allergic reactions can be triggered by inhaling and swallowing. or touching allergens. Peanuts, pollen, and pet dander are common allergens. Follow this article to learn about allergies: causes, and treatment with folk remedies. and methods of prevention

Allergy : A woman has an allergy, Blowing her nose crying in a long-sleeved red shirt

What is allergy

Allergies are usually the result of an increased reaction of the human immune system to the effects of some harmless external factors that the body considers dangerous. 

In response to the influence of these factors - the so-called allergens, the immune system begins to actively produce certain antibodies, the task of which is to neutralize foreign substances. Allergic reactions today are considered one of the most common diseases. 

Allergy is an individual 

and natural process of a healthy and functioning immune system. Therefore, there is no need to severely scold your immune system, because it works exclusively for the benefit of our body, protects it, and sometimes even misses a little, triggering a certain reaction to the allergen.

In some cases, allergic reactions are so mild that a person may not even know that he has an allergy. And in other cases, on the contrary, they are so strong and dangerous that they can be life-threatening. 

allergies can occur unexpectedly and also disappear unexpectedly. 

The causes of allergies in each person are purely individual, so it is difficult to talk about any general patterns. In addition, a predisposition to many types of allergies is often inherited from parents to children.

An allergic reaction can manifest itself in different parts of the body, and the symptoms can last from a few minutes to a few days. Allergies can be accompanied by swelling of the upper respiratory tract, fever, asthma, redness of the eyes and tears in the eyes, pain, and inflammation in the joints, hives and skin rashes, diarrhea, vomiting, and indigestion.


One of the mistakes is taking medications that reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms and discomfort in the body. None of these drugs eliminates the very cause itself, they simply jam the body's signal that something is bothering it and make it work in emergency mode.

 Do not ignore or block the body's signals, but rather eliminate the cause. See a doctor install it. Medications in such cases can be taken only as directed by a doctor.

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Causes of Allergy

Everything that surrounds it can cause allergies in humans: house dust, mold, some insects and plants, animal hair, household chemicals, food, medicines, cosmetics, and even cold and sunlight.

In recent years, the nutritional structure of modern people is changing very rapidly - a set of products, their biological value, and the composition itself. This figure includes exotic fruits, foreign seafood, all kinds of spices, and seasonings from distant countries. 

The fact is that the set and composition of human food enzymes are genetically determined for the set of products that are distinguished by their natural area. By and large, all kinds of sushi, midi, avocado, and other products unfamiliar to the genes of body are considered exotic, since immunity under the influence of a stress factor begins to work. 

allergies to exquisite and juicy dishes are far from rare and understandable.

 For example, the people of the South do not know what an allergy to citrus fruits is. Meanwhile, in the northern latitudes, citrus fruits are the most common cause of allergic reactions. 

Foreign exotics can carry only strong and healthy organisms. The basis of nutrition should remain those foods that our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents ate, to which our body adapts at the genetic level.

N enzymes that go into the breakdown of food. Often the cause of intolerance is not the product itself, but those additives that are designed to improve its sale: color, smell, and taste. 

Behind it are many dyes, flavors, and flavors, which annually replenish the number of people suffering from allergies.

 The risk group includes children who love everything bright and sweet. 

Manufacturers of children's products often use artificial colors for marketing purposes, which gives the product a richer appearance. Do not buy chewing gum, candy, or brightly colored drinks for children.

Another factor in the occurrence of allergic reactions is the uncontrolled and permitted use of medications. Nowadays, drugs are often bought and used after watching a commercial or a neighbor's advice. Any kind of Medicine, in what proportions and in what cases can only be taken by a qualified doctor.

An important factor in the appearance of allergies is the environmental situation around a person. For example, this is environmental pollution caused by exhaust gases and industrial waste. 

Harmful substances tend to accumulate in the body, which, when interacting with harmless products, causes an allergic reaction.

Include it in your diet as much as possible.

various foods that can remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. The list of such products includes cereals, legumes, all kinds of vegetable crops, fruits, berries, and greens.

Treatment of  Allergy, with folk remedies

To date, there is no single way to get rid of allergies 100%. Therefore, the fight against an allergic disease can consist either in suppressing the immune response or neutralizing

Symptoms that have appeared, will help traditional medicine. However, it is worth remembering that the best way to avoid allergies is to identify their cause and avoid contact with the allergen. You must see a physician to accomplish this.

1. for, allergy use Raspberries

A decoction prepared from 50 g of ordinary Raspberry roots, filled with half a liter of water, helps eliminate allergic attacks. Boil this mixture for 40 minutes over low heat. Take a decoction of two tablespoons three times a day. Store this medication in the fridge.

2. Rosehip

Rosehip decoction is especially effective as a remedy for allergies during pregnancy. Rosehip, which contains many useful vitamins, will not only help get rid of allergy symptoms but also significantly improve overall health. According to a similar principle, prepare a decoction on the water, using the fruits, leaves, and roots of the wild rose.

3. for, allergy use Sage and black tea

Foods such as Sage and black tea are great for preventing allergies. A warm decoction of sage is used to wash the nose and throat before going outside. Black tea is used to wash the eyes.

4. Motherwort

Motherwort is the most effective remedy for cat allergies. Gargle with it 4 times a day, and also rinse your nose. To prepare a decoction, pour the chopped motherwort herb with boiling water and let it brew in a closed container for two hours.

5. Vitamin C

In the spring, before the flowering of plants, take plenty of vitamin C for 4 weeks, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as 1 g of ascorbic acid twice a day.

6. Herbal bathing

With allergic skin irritation, you can take baths from a special collection of plants: Calamus, Valerian, elecampane, oak bark, nettle leaves, burdock root, mint, succession, and celandine. 100-300 g of this collection is poured into 5 liters. Boil water and insist for 1 hour. Strain and pour the tincture into a bath of warm water. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

7. Breathing exercises

Respiratory Gymnastics is aimed at training the respiratory muscles and restoring free breathing in case of swelling of the bronchi during allergies. After a deep breath, exhale slowly through a pipette or a thin tube into a glass filled with water. Repeat the exercise 5 times a day for 10-15 minutes. A similar training method is inflating balloons.

8. Water

If you have an increased reaction to pollen, then when you come home from the street, try gargling with plain water. You can add sedatives to the water, such as valerian or motherwort. It is also useful to take a contrast shower in such cases.

9. Propolis

With allergic itching in the ears, after taking medications (for example, antibiotics), a mixture of propolis tincture with walnut infusion is used as an external agent.

10. Soda

To soothe itchy skin caused by allergies, wipe the skin with a solution of baking soda - 1.5 teaspoons per glass of water.

11. Proper nutrition

Watch your diet. Products containing preservatives and some other substances can cause allergies to many external factors. It is better to eat simple food: boiled meat, cereals, vegetable oil salads, and garden vegetables.

Allergy prevention

You can adhere to a few general guidelines.:

  • Avoid excessive exposure to pollen and dust
  • Pet dander and dander
  • And other allergens
  • When traveling, avoid areas where the pollen count is high.
  • If you are allergic to certain foods, try to avoid eating them at all costs.
  • You can take a few actions to simplify the procedure. First of all ،
  • Keep your home clean and free of allergens.

Be sure to clean all surfaces that are likely to come into contact with your allergy, including floors, furniture, and even your pets.

Wash all your clothes with hot water and detergents specially designed for the Prevention of allergies.

A person with an allergy is more likely to develop other allergies. By getting vaccinated, you can help reduce this risk. There are many different types of vaccines available, so find one that's right for you.


If you have an allergy, you should always carry an epinephrine auto-injector with you in case of an emergency. Epinephrine is a medication that often stops allergic reactions in its tracks.

If you find that your allergies are interfering with your daily routine, you may want to speak to your doctor. There are many different treatments available, and you should choose the one that is best for you.

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