Hair loss causes, treatment with traditional medicine and natural cosmetics

Hair loss is a common problem caused by heredity. illness. medications. stress. hormones. Traditional medicine and natural cosmetics for a treat
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 Hair loss causes, treatment with traditional medicine and natural cosmetics
A lot of individuals struggle with hair loss. It can be caused by many factors, such as heredity, illness, diet, stress, and more. There are many remedies for hair loss, ranging from traditional medicine to natural cosmetics. In this article, we will discuss some of the causes of hair loss, as well as some traditional and natural remedies.

Hair loss

General introduction about hair loss

Hairstyle is not only a natural part of a person but also a means of self-expression, beauty, and style. Through it, most people try to convey their emotional message and, to some extent, tell others about themselves. 

We all, consciously or unconsciously, try to make sure that the hairstyle is compatible with the type and color of the hair itself, our lifestyle, external features of beauty, and clothing. One way or another, we all pay special attention to our hair. Undoubtedly, everyone highlights hair health and proper hair care. 

And one thing is clear: 

no one wants to completely lose their hair ahead of time.

Today it is difficult to say exactly when humanity acquired the desire to take care of its hair. During excavations in the oldest burials, where the first mammoth hunters were buried, primitive bone Combs were found. 

This means that the ancestors of primitive man were already accustomed to caring for the plants on their heads. After millions of years, this habit has not disappeared, in addition, today it has also acquired the function of self - expression-the desire to emphasize individuality. Baldness and partial hair loss usually disappear without physical pain, but bring with them a lot of spiritual and emotional experiences.

First of all

it should be noted that hair loss is a natural process. Each person loses 50-100 hairs every day. 

On the head, each hair under normal conditions lives on average from 3 to 7 years, then it stops growing, and after a couple of months it falls out and a new one begins to grow in its place. But it also happens that instead of fallen hair, new ones no longer grow. It can occur at any age, both in the elderly and at a young age.

Hair loss is considered an individual phenomenon, the cause of which is not easy to immediately determine. 

They can be caused by various diseases

 trauma to the head or skin, taking certain medications, hormonal imbalances, and even stress. Spraying the head with the advertised fertilizer for the head in such cases is not a very successful choice of action. 

It often happens that by identifying and eliminating the cause of baldness, hair begins to grow back.

Baldness occurs:

1) Partial - the hairline goes towards the back of the head when the hair falls out at the temples and at the crown.

2) topical - hair falls out only on some parts of the head.

3) complete - hair falls out over the entire surface of the scalp.

Note: interesting facts.

Hair loss is considered a natural process. Each person loses 50-100 hairs every day. On the head, each hair under normal conditions lives on average from 3 to 7 years, then it stops growing, and after a couple of months it falls out and a new one begins to grow in its place.

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 Causes of hair loss.

1. Heredity and the aging process.

One of the most frequent reasons for hair loss is this. It is almost impossible to completely prevent this process in such cases, but it can be slowed down.

Advice :

Take good care of your hair: use balms, and hair conditioners, and get a comb with rare teeth. Women are advised to tint their hair as little as possible, blow-dry them, and avoid wrinkles.

2. Malnutrition, exhausting diets, bad habits.

 Depriving hair of essential nutrients leads to rapid death and loss. The deficiency of several vitamins, iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium also negatively affects the condition of the hair roots.

 Iron deficiency in the female body can occur with blood loss during critical days. Remember that even if your diet includes healthy foods with a stock of vitamins or you use a complex of vitamin supplements, smoking, alcohol and the use of certain medications can easily interfere with their absorption.

Advice :

In case of hair loss, immediately get rid of bad habits. Take a complex of vitamins, and eat foods containing iron: liver, fish, beef, egg yolks, rye bread, buckwheat, oatmeal, Apple, and pomegranate juices.

3. alteration of the hormonal backdrop

Such changes often occur in women in connection with pregnancy, abortion, the onset of sexual activity, endocrine diseases, and even the use of contraceptives. In addition, diabetes mellitus can also be the cause of the problem.

Advice :

Visit a qualified doctor and take blood tests for hormones and biochemistry.

4. Stress.

 It has no less powerful effect, leading to hair loss, to various physical and emotional stresses: sudden weight loss, the use of anesthesia during surgery, and prolonged emotional stress. 

Moreover, hair can begin to fall out 1.5-two months after stress, when the mental state has already returned to normal. With constant tension, the vessels of the scalp compress, the blood flow is noticeably impaired, and the hair begins to fall out intensively.

Advice :

Taking antidepressants is not the best solution. To calm down and relax - drink tea with mint or lemon balm, do breathing exercises, and do a self-massage. At home, take a herbal bath, use aromatherapy and use appropriate medical methods to improve your mood and relieve stress. Fatigue always leads to stress, so get more sleep.

5. The effect of temperature.

 Frost and scorching sun are factors that can cause hair loss at any age.

Advice :

Take care of your health: do not neglect hats and other protective equipment.

6. Weakened immunity. 

The cause of excessive hair loss can be a depressing state of the immune system. This happens when the body is weakened or when it is in constant overload. Frequent respiratory diseases or other cold-related ailments can cause unexpected baldness.

Advice :

It is necessary in such cases to restore and strengthen your immunity. Do not exhaust yourself with diets, do physical activity, drink vitamins, go to nature more often, and use medical devices that help strengthen the immune system. All of this will aid in bodily sturdiness.

7. Some medicines. 

Many drugs hurt the scalp and hairline. Chemotherapy is considered the most dangerous. High blood pressure pills, birth control pills, steroids, antidepressants, and painkillers can lead to negative consequences for the hair.

Advice :

Try to use as few pills as possible (unless you are undergoing life-saving treatment and can do without them). To restore blood pressure, and eliminate pain and other diseases, use the appropriate medical equipment. In case of hair loss, use personalization to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the scalp.

8. scalp-related infections.

Hair loss is brought on by infectious scalp conditions such as seborrhea and dermatitis. Their causes can be both external pathogens and the internal state of the whole organism, for example, allergies.


For a precise illness diagnosis, see a physician. In this case, herbs and head masks will not help. It is necessary to treat the root cause - the disease itself.

9. The scalp and hair follicles don't receive enough blood.

 Insufficient blood supply to the vessels of the head is also an important cause of hair loss. The causes of the violation can be some diseases (osteochondrosis, cardiovascular diseases), frequent use of caffeine, and strong tea (from their use, the vessels narrow sharply). The use of alcohol, especially cognac, also belongs to this list.


To improve blood flow in the head area, use massage, application, personalization, and magnetic therapy. Take moderate amounts of both alcohol and coffee. Engage in Physical Education, add variety to a sedentary lifestyle, and breathe more fresh air. Do breathing exercises, breathing simulators are best suited for this.

10. Environmental pollution. 

The environmental situation in the area can seriously affect the condition of the hair. Air pollution, increased levels of radiation in the background, chemical alopecia - these factors affect not only the hair but the body as a whole.

Advice :

Obviously, the best solution to the problem would be to move to a more suitable place. If this is not possible, it is necessary to eat as many pure and natural products as possible, drink vitamins, eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid stressful situations and various diseases. 

To strengthen the immune system in such cases, it is simply necessary to use medical devices that increase the body's defense processes.

Traditional medicine for hair loss.

Proper nutrition

Products should contain sufficient amounts of protein and iron. Include fish, poultry, beef, legumes, cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, and fruits in unlimited quantities in your diet.

Burdock mask

Masks based on burdock root are considered the most popular and effective in folk medicine. Two tablespoons of the roots are poured with boiling water and heated over low heat for 30 minutes. Strain the cooled broth. Rinse your head with it every time after washing.

Onion mask

Onion masks also strengthen hair, but due to their specific smell, they are less popular. Mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil, onion juice, and honey heated to a liquid state, and add one egg yolk to the mixture. Immediately begin to rub the resulting mass into the roots of the hair. Then wrap your head with a towel and leave the mask on for 30 minutes. Repeating the procedure once a week, a positive result can be seen in 2-3 months.


Light strengthens hair well by rubbing salt into the roots of freshly washed hair.


Ordinary henna, a popular remedy for lovers of red shades, has an excellent firming effect. However, you should not leave the henna on your hair for more than an hour, as this can dry out your hair.

Herbal mixture

It is prepared in a thermos in equal proportions from St. John's wort, sage, nettle, and Immortelle. Let it soak for 4 hours. Then henna is added until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Apply the resulting mass to the hair for 30 minutes before washing.


Combing is not only a way to put things in order on the head. A properly selected comb massages the scalp improves blood circulation and gives a pleasant sensation, which has a beneficial effect on the hair follicles. Comb your hair in different directions for a few minutes a day, especially before bedtime.

 Phytotherapy and natural cosmetics

Many people have a special preference for cosmetic hair care products with natural strengthening. And for good reason, many of the natural substances contained in them can significantly reduce or even stop hair loss without any negative consequences. 

For example

ginseng extract stimulates the vital functions of head cells and makes hair stronger and stronger. To nourish and strengthen hair, experts recommend choosing products containing jojoba oil, vitamin PP is best for stimulating hair follicles.

It is useful to use stimulating shampoos with nettle, chamomile, and menthol extracts, and for colored hair - with horse chestnut extract. Vitamin E helps protect the roots from free radicals and hair loss does not need to overuse various styling products, even if they contain many vitamins.

As a means of hair care, as well as against hair loss, the following preparations are recommended

 It will be a good way to care for and maintain hair color : 

  • Bioactive conditioner with collagen and provitamin B5 
  •  Nourishing hair mask from pepper، 
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  •  Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with ketoconazole 
  •  Vitamins, vitamins for the health of hair and nails.

a summary

It is normal to get rid of between 50 and 100 hairs a day. But sometimes men and women can lose much more. When the rate of hair loss exceeds the rate of regrowth, you may develop bald spots. If the follicle itself shrinks, hair thinning results. Hair loss is irreversible in any scenario.
There are several treatments available for hair loss. but the best option is often a combination of hair restoration techniques.
. There are some things you can do to prevent or reverse hair loss. First, be sure to follow a balanced diet that includes scalp-friendly vitamins and minerals. Secondly, avoid taking medications that can cause hair loss, such as steroids, birth control pills, and cancer drugs.

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This site talks about topics related to physical mental health, physiological fitness, Aga articles, mental health , mental health, healthy hair, healthy skin, seniors , surprising benefits, weight loss, healthy plants, physical health, physical act…

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