Metabolic diet: benefits, the menu for 7 days, reviews of nutritionists
A metabolic diet is used to lose weight in people suffering from a metabolic syndrome that occurs as a result of obesity. Nutritionists claim that this diet is equally good for obese persons who don't have any health issues. The menu for the week will help you understand this nutrition system.
The diet is balanced and effective, and its main result is changes in human eating habits and the normalization of metabolism.
The benefits of a metabolic diet
The metabolic diet is mainly aimed at normalizing metabolic processes, stimulating the production of hormones necessary for burning fand, and changing a person's eating habits. Restriction of carbohydrates leads to the processing of fats as "fuel" for the body in conditions of hypoglycemia, which allows you to gradually lose weight.
A lot of vegetables and fruits improve the elimination of toxins and stimulate the intestines thanks to the fiber they contain. The metabolic diet has a general healing effect on the body and can be used for a long time.
Disadvantages of a metabolic diet
In the early stages of the diet, a sharp restriction of carbohydrates can cause difficulties, and a sharp change in eating habits is psychologically difficult. Due to the restructuring of the body, unpleasant sensations in the stomach and intestinal es, and a change in stool are possible.
Registration, on which the diet is based, requires care and is not always convenient. Before dieting, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, since in the case of severe metabolic syndrome, when compiling the menu, medications and concomitant diseases should be taken into account.
7-Day menu for a metabolic diet
All products are divided into groups according to their caloric content and carbohydrate content - the lower it is, the lower the result. There are many tables of the metabolic diet. where you can get acquainted with the carbohydrate content of each product. The number of drops per day depends on the stage of the diet, of which there are only three.
When compiling the menu yourself,
the points are calculated in this way: for example, 5 points are allowed for a meal. It can be obtained by selecting one product, shown in the table as a five-point product, and supplementing it with a product without points.
You can choose several products of different grades so the total is 5. The total volume in any case should not exceed a glass. It is recommended to choose different products of lower grades and combine them with each other.
Genenutrition recommendationstion are changing:
between meals, a break should be no more than 3 hours, the volume of food at a time is about a glass of 250 ml, and the last snack is no later than 3 hours before bedtime.
Fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods, ready-made foods, s, sugar, and pastries are excluded from this. You need to drink plenty of fluids - on an empty stomach a glass of water, at least 2 - 2.5 liters per day.
The diet is divided into three stages, each of which has its own goal. The duration for each weight loss is determined individually and depends on many factors, it is recommended to consult a specialist. We will consider the menu of the week for each stage.
The first stage
The first stage is active fat burning. It usually lasts up to two weeks. A fairly strict menu severely restricts carbohydrates, so starting a diet will be difficult, but effectiInInIn. In the first stage, it is allowed to consume foods containing 0 points, that is, there are practically no carbohydrates. Protein products predominate-dairy,, meat, and vegetable products.
At least five meals, between the main meals, you can have a snack of dairy products and vegetables.
Day 1
- Breakfast: omelet from two eggs with milk
- Lunch: lean white fish, fresh vegetables ،
- Dinner: tomato, sweet pen, paper, cucumber salad, boiled Cod.
The second day
- Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese
- Lunch: tomato salad, bell pe, pepper and cucumber, boiled Cod ،
- Dinner: boiled chicken breast, green peas.
Day 3
- Breakfast: whole grain bread with ran, a glass of skimmed milk, an egg
- Lunch: creamy mushroom soup with milk
- Dinner: cooked turkey, steamed broccoli
Fourth day
- Breakfast: omelet from two eggs with milk
- Lunch: lean white fish soup-
- Dinner: boiled chicken breast, green peas.
Day 5
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese
- Lunch: cooked turkey, steamed broccoli ،
- Dinner: whole-grain bread with Bran, a glass of skimmed and lk, and an egg.
The sixth day
- Breakfast: two scrambled eggs with yogurt
- Lunch: tomato, bell pen, paper, cucumber salad, boiled Cod ،
- Dinner: tomato soup with vegetables and es, a couple of cucumbers.
The seventh day
- Breakfast: whole grain bread with ran, a glass of skimmed milk, an egg ،
- Lunch: boiled chicken breast, green peas ،
- Dinner: mushroom cream soup with ilk.
The second stage
The second step is normalization. During this period, the process of losing weight stabilizes, and the body gradually gets used to the new regime. Weight loss is slower but more stable. The stage lasts from two weeks to several months.
The main meals should have a certain score: breakfast - 4 points, lunch - 2, dinner - 0. Daytime snacks can be two points, and evening snare can only 1.
Day 1
- Breakfast: mashed potatoes and mushroom casserole
- Lunch: boiled beef, vegetable salad ،
- Dinner: boiled Cod, seaweed salad.
The second day
- Breakfast: omelet with green beans
- Lunch: carrot and pea salad, lean beef
- Cheese without fat for dinner.
Day 3
- Breakfast: cheesecake, a glass of milk ،
- Lunch: bean broth with vegetables, toma, toes, and peppers ،
- Dinner: boiled Cod, seaweed salad.
Fourth day
- Breakfast: mashed potatoes and mushroom casserole
- Lunch: half an avocado, chicken breast ،
- Dinner: rabbit or ish, vegetables
Day 5
- Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, pear
- Lunch: boiled chicken liver, tomatoes ،
- Dinner: boiled Cod, seaweed salad.
The sixth day
- Breakfast: casserole of mashed potatoes and mushrooms.
- Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with cheese.Dinner: cottage cheese
- Low-fat products
The seventh day
- Breakfast:
- Flour
- Oatmeal on the water with berriand es, an Apple.
The third stage
The third stage is consolidation. This stage is not limited in time - this way you can eat even for life, maintaining a normal weight. The menu at this stage slightly limits the diet and takes into account all human needs. By the stage of consolidation, the body gets used to the new diet, and then everything will pass quite easily. Refusal of unsuitable food has already become a habit.
At this stage, one more drop is added to each meal, to those already available at the second stage. Only dinner remains zero.
Day 1
- Breakfast: crumbly buckwheat with chicken breast, whole grain bread with cottage cheese
- Lunch: vegetable broth from beans, tomatoes, peppers, chicken liver
- Dinner: omelet with two eggs in milk
The second day
Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole, An app and le, and a glass of yogurt without additives.
Day 3
- Breakfast: Cup
- From kefir, a handful of nuts, an egg.
Fourth day
- Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, an apple, a glass of yogurt
- Normal.Lunch: avocado, chi, chicken, and vegetable salad
- Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese
Day 5
- Breakfast: a glass of kefir, a handful of nuts, an egg ،
- Lunch: vegetable broth from beans, tomatoes, peppers, steamed beef steaks ،
- Dinner: baked cod, fresh vegetable salad
The sixth day
- Breakfast: a glass of skim milk, two boiled eggs ،
- Lunch: carrot and pea salad, low-fat beef, a slice of cheese ،
- Dinner: fat-free cottage cheese.
The seventh day
- Breakfast: crumbly buckwheat with chicken breast, whole grain bread with cottage cheese
- Lunch: green bean and celery soup without eating, boiled Turkey
- Dinner: baked cod, fresh vegetable salad
The diet is aimed at smooth and natural weight loss without stress and harm to the body. Thanks to this, the result is stable, because there is a general improvement in the body and normalization of metabolism. In a month, you can lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. Subject to the point system and the absence of disturbances, the diet is very effective and can be used for a long time.
Reviews of nutritionists
With metabolic syndrome-a complex metabolic disorder with a visceral type of obesity (when fat is deposited mainly in the abdominal cavity), such a diet can give a good therapeutic result.
But before a metabolic diet, it is recommended to consult a specialist, especially in the case of complicated obesity accompanied by Type II diabetes mellitus. In this case, correction of nutrition is required, taking into account insulin preparations and additional tests.
For overweight people without complications in the form of metabolic syndrome
the diet is also suitable - it is perfectly balanced. Unfortunately, it does not allow you to effectively work with eating habits that led to weight gain. The scoring system for evaluating the diet is quite justified.
but it requires a constant calculation, although it is simpler than counting calories, which can be difficult for many patients to realize, and this is fraught with deviations from the nutrition plan.