Symptoms of runny nose and causes and Phytotherapy, and folk remedies
A typical issue is having a runny nose. It can be caused by several things: if you cry, suffer from allergies, are sick, or have a cold. Depending on the weather. Symptoms of a runny nose are very unpleasant, but they are usually completely harmless. Phytotherapy and folk remedies are the most common remedies for a runny nose
what is a runny nose?
A runny nose is a symptom that can be a manifestation of a cold, as well as a common viral disease (flu). Also, a runny nose may accompany allergic rhinitis or adverse working conditions. Runny nose ،
Symptoms of the runny nose :
This disease is known to everyone from a young age, it is characterized by sneezing, nasal congestion, and mucus secretion, which can be light watery, or thick.
- - A subsequent increase in body temperature is considered a sign of a general illness. Many people think that a runny nose is a harmless and ridiculous phenomenon that will pass by itself without any consequences. However, this is not entirely true. The nasal mucosa is the barrier and the main filter that protects the human body from the harmful effects of the environment.
- -In addition, with a runny nose, a person cannot sleep peacefully
- - And communicate ،
- - and engage in his regular activities ،
- - His working capacity and appetite are also significantly reduced ،
- - He becomes irritable and inattentive.
- -And all because of the fact that he cannot breathe normally.
- - A runny nose, left to drift, can easily become chronic,
It greatly raises the possibility of difficulties
such as otitis media or sinusitis. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this disease with special attention and take immediate and effective measures to eliminate it.
-With a cold caused by inflammation of the nasal passages, the nasal mucosa swells, which makes nasal breathing very difficult, the discharge at first becomes transparent and watery, and then thick.
Causes of runny nose
A runny nose is usually caused by a variety of different things. Among the most frequent causes are:
A common symptom of an allergy is a runny nose. Many people think that it's just a cold, but in fact, the majority of runny nose is caused by allergies. There are many different types of allergies, but the most common are seasonal ones. During the winter, people are more likely to get hay fever, and during the summer, people are more likely to get environmental allergies.
Environmental factors
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are many causes of a runny nose. These can be environmental, such as pollutants in the air, or they can be behavioral, such as allergies. Some people also have a fever and a runny nose at the same time, which is called runny nose syndrome. Some common environmental causes of a runny nose are colds, flu, and sinus infections.
Viral infections.
A runny nose is often caused by a viral infection, such as a cold or flu. These viruses cause the tiny blood vessels in your nose to swell and leak fluid. A runny nose is also called a runny nose. Other possible causes of a runny nose include allergies, sinus infections, and pregnancy.
Hypothermia of the body
The weather can cause a person to have a runny nose. When the weather is cold, the mucous membranes in the nose can become dry and swollen. This can lead to congestion and a runny nose. The weather can also cause an increase in respiratory infections, which can also cause a runny nose.
Colds and flu
Viruses cause almost all cases of colds. There are a lot of viruses that can cause colds. These viruses spread through the air and enter your body through your nose or mouth. Viruses multiply in the nose and throat.
Chemical substances
Chemicals, such as histamine, leukotrienes, and cytokines, are released from the mast cells of the nose. time a body is exposed to an allergy. It is these chemicals that cause a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, itching, and other allergic reactions. Histamine is the most famous of these chemicals. She is responsible for most of the symptoms. that individuals go through during an allergic response
Various irritants
Some people are allergic to several different things. and this can cause them to have a runny nose. Common allergens that can cause a runny nose include pollen, grass, and pet dander. and other environmental factors. Other causes of a runny nose include colds, flu, and sinus infections. Some people have a more difficult time fighting this infection. as a result, a runny nose will persist.
Using traditional methods to treat a runny nose
To cure a runny nose quickly and without consequences, it is necessary to follow several proven therapeutic methods.
Inhalation is the most effective and complete way to combat the common cold. It is useful to do homemade steam inhalations with essential oils. Add 5 drops of eucalyptus, fir, pine, mint, or tea tree oil to a pot of boiling water (these oils have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties).
Then cover yourself with a blanket or a large towel and inhale the fragrant steam. It is advisable at this moment to try to breathe through the nose as much as possible.
Everyone knows about potato inhalations. Its Steam must be breathed in until it cools down. Potatoes can be replaced with menthol or propolis. Golden Star Golden star.
Warming up the nose
Small bags are made of clean dense fabric and hot salt calcined in a frying pan is poured into them. The cloth is tightly tied to prevent the possibility of salt spillage. Then the resulting warm bags are pressed into the sinuses.
Salt retains heat for a long time, so heating is effective. After the salt has cooled, the procedure must be repeated again. You can also use a hot-boiled egg for heating.
Warm bath
With a runny nose, you need to be constantly warm and in no case allow hypothermia. It is useful to raise your feet and take a bath with sea salt.
Mustard socks
Going to bed, wear thick socks (preferably Terry) with dry mustard inside.
Breast warmers
Warming the chest with hot boiled potatoes will help to cope with a runny nose. Take the largest potato and boil it along with the peel. Then cut it in half and attach it to the chest through several layers of paper.
Don't forget to cover up with a warm blanket. Remove the leaves one by one while the potatoes cool down to maintain an acceptable heating effect. The procedure takes 20 minutes.
Homemade nasal drops
During the day, using a pipette, you need to instill 2-3 drops of beetroot, onion juice, or aloe juice into a stuffy nose.
Vitamin C
To fight colds, a robust immune system is especially needed. Vitamin C helps to increase their potency, for this.
you need to use freshly squeezed juice from all citrus fruits: orange, and grapefruit. or lemon diluted with beneficial very useful to drink the so-called vitamin tea with dried berries, currants, and rose hips. Cranberry and cranberry juice will also benefit.
Washing the nose
Washing the nasal cavity with seawater has been known since the time of Hippocrates. Nowadays, seawater is successfully replaced by saline solutions. which have become a good way to deal with a runny nose at home.
To do this, you must buy sea salt at the nearest pharmacy and dilute it in warm boiled water. Then, through a syringe (or a small children's syringe). gently inject the saline solution into each nostril in a row.
Rinsing with seawater and freeing the nose from mucus also removes bacteria, viruses, and allergens from its cavity. which serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the nasopharynx and helps to speed up recovery if the disease has already developed.
Attention! Blow your nose properly.
Absolutely with any runny nose, regardless of its stage and duration, intense and persistent blowing of the nose can lead to negative consequences. The increased pressure that occurs during blowing the nose into the nasal cavity can throw viruses and germs into the auditory tube. which, in turn. will lead to inflammation of the middle ear.
The mucous membrane has been injured.
which is already in a state of irritation during the illness. It is necessary to blow out each nostril separately and very carefully. To prevent the pressure in the nasal cavity from rising, it is useful to open your mouth while blowing your nose.
You should also avoid anything that can cause irritation of the nasal mucosa. Namely, a strong sneeze, dust, and cold air.
These are pungent odors that contain cosmetics (deodorants), household chemicals (air fresheners, bleaches, insect repellents), and tobacco smoke. Remember that brisk walking and other physical activities increase breathing. which significantly increases the load on the nose during a runny nose.
If the runny nose began to occur constantly and acquired a chronic form, you need to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis, and if necessary, consult an otolaryngologist.
Phytotherapy for runny nose
In the treatment of a runny nose and other cold symptoms, herbal medicine in combination with traditional medicine naturally gives the most positive result without causing side effects.
But not everyone remembers this and usually goes to the pharmacy. Pharmaceutical drops remain the first person in the treatment of colds.
However, despite its effectiveness, its use requires its victims.
- Firstly, to some extent, they dry out and burn the nasal mucosa vitals an essential role as a gatekeeper, blocking the way to all kinds of viruses.
- Secondly, if misused, especially in children, they can cause poisoning.
- Thirdly, drops are often addictive: resorting to their frequent help, the immune system loses the ability to independently cope. with a slightly runny nose. after which the drops become a faithful companion of a person in winter and summer.
Use medicines usually, here are some of them:
1. Herbal tea Altai No. 14.
Lung breathing. It possesses expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to use it for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
The ingredients that make up herbal tea: are marshmallow root, rose hip, and chamomile flowers. sage leaves, St. John's wort, and thyme. Tea is shown for use in colds, runny nose, and sinusitis.
2. Tablets for resorption naturally.
Effective in the complex treatment of colds and respiratory diseases. They help to improve the immune system. eliminate a runny nose and other cold symptoms, and improve the general condition of the body.