What should people with hemorrhoids eat? This is a question that many people are interested in to find the right diet. He will offer you the best useful foods for hemorrhoids. help reduce the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. and prevent the development of hemorrhoids!
1. Legumes - good food for people with hemorrhoids
An important rule in the Prevention of hemorrhoids is that you should get enough fiber for your body. Basically, when you consume food, you get two types of fiber: soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a gel in the digestive tract and can be digested by friendly bacteria in the intestine, while insoluble fiber promotes the elimination of feces.
Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, peanuts) provide both but are particularly rich in soluble fiber. For example, 198 grams of cooked lentils contain almost 16 grams of fiber - about half the recommended daily amount. Depending on your age and gender, you can think about how much fiber you need per day, but for an adult, 21-38 grams of fiber per day is enough.
2. Whole grain cereals
Whole grains are a great source of nutrients because they retain all the germs, Bran, and endosperm. They contain abundant fiber, especially insoluble type, which serves to cleanse the digestive tract as well as reduce pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
Whole grains are a better food source than whole wheat flour or bread. Whole grains include barley, corn, spelled, brown rice, quinoa, rye, and oats. Oatmeal in particular is a very suitable option with a hemorrhoidal meal to reduce annoying symptoms. Specifically, oats contain a beta-glucan-a type of soluble fiber that has a prebiotic-like effect, which is very beneficial for the intestinal flora.
3. Cruciferous vegetables
In addition to their anti-cancer properties, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy, watercress, etc., can provide a large amount of insoluble fiber in the body. For example, 76 grams of broccoli contains about 2 grams of fiber - all of which is insoluble. In addition, cruciferous vegetables contain an organic compound glucosinolate, which helps to diversify the intestinal microbiome. The abundance of intestinal bacteria will increase the elasticity of the stomach and intestines, as well as improve immunity.
4. Artichokes
Artichokes are also a good source of fiber as they contain about 7 g / 128 g of fresh artichokes. As mentioned earlier, fiber helps nourish the beneficial bacteria in your intestines, which in turn prevents the appearance of signs of hemorrhoids and maintains intestinal health. Two human studies have shown that the soluble fiber called inulin in artichokes can increase the number of beneficial gut bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
5. Types of tubers
When it comes to root plants useful for hemorrhoids, you should note such names as potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, carrots, beets, and turnips. It is also worth noting that most of the fiber from these tubers is contained in their skins, so you should keep it when cooking if possible. One of the best cooking methods for this group of tubers that you should apply is boiling, steaming, frying, or roasting.
6. Pumpkins
Pumpkin is quite diverse food in terms of species from winter to summer, so you can freely "diversify" dishes from pumpkin without getting bored with pumpkin, zucchini, pumpkin, or zucchini. In this group alone, Oak Pumpkins have the highest fiber content. Since pumpkin is considered a fairly easy-to-eat fruit, feel free to add it to your daily menu!
7. Sweet pepper
The amount of fiber contained in paprika is not commensurate with some other vegetables that appear on the menu, but paprika has the advantage that it contains a lot of water (93% water). This makes your bowel movements easy and effortless
8. Celery
Similar to paprika, celery can provide a lot of water to the body, besides, it is also rich in fiber. Water and fiber help soften the stool, making it much easier to pass. According to research, 28-31 CM of celery contains up to 1 gram of fiber and 95% water. You can use celery to make salads or add it to soups and stews.
9. Cucumbers and watermelons
Cucumbers, watermelons, or melons belong to the pumpkin family, and, of course, they also provide a large amount of water and fiber to the body. When eating cucumbers, you can eat the peels to get the most out of the fiber contained in them. Note that you should eat the peel only when you are sure that the watermelon is free of pesticide residues!
10. Pears
An average pear contains approximately 6 grams of fiber, which is 22% of your daily fiber needs. In addition, the pear is also a juicy fruit, it has a great refreshing effect. Brunch or dessert with pears is a simple way to prevent hemorrhoids for you and your family.
11. Apples
An Apple is also a fruit with impressive fiber content. In a medium-sized apple, there are about 5 grams of fiber, the most prominent of which is soluble fibrous pectin-a gel-forming agent of the gastrointestinal tract.
12. Raspberry berries
Fresh raspberries contain about 85% water. It is estimated that in 123 grams of berries, there are about 8 grams of fiber. Therefore, this is also a fruit that you should add to your diet menu.
13. Bananas
Because it contains both pectin and resistant starch, bananas are the perfect food to add to your diet to prevent signs of hemorrhoids from appearing in the first place. Pectins were mentioned above as substances that contribute to the formation of a gel in the digestive tract, and resistant starch helps to nourish beneficial bacteria in the intestines. An average banana length of 18-20 CM can provide 3 grams of fiber for your meal.
14. Dried plums
Prunes are considered a natural laxative. Studies show that taking them in moderation (about 10 per day) can improve dry stools and promote digestion in people prone to constipation.
This effect comes not only from fiber but also from the effect of sorbitol contained in prunes. Sorbitol is an alcohol sugar that the intestines cannot digest well. It will draw water into the digestive tract, soften the stool and increase the need to defecate. You just need to boil the prunes in filtered water for 10 minutes until soft and you can enjoy it.
15. Water
The list of useful foods for hemorrhoids is closed with water. Even if you don't feel thirsty, consistently consume water. In addition to water, you can drink low-sugar drinks, such as unsweetened tea or tea with a sweet taste.
Is coffee good for hemorrhoids?
Coffee, which has high caffeine content, is not good for hemorrhoids. Coffee is not good for hemorrhoids, he said. If you want to cure hemorrhoids, you need to avoid coffee.
What should someone with hemorrhoids avoid doing?
Cold liquids, hot liquids, soups, and other irritants should be avoided. Avoid drinking coffee or tea, as these types of drinks can cause hemorrhoidal bleeding. Avoid fatty or low-fiber foods. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
How long does it take for hemorrhoids to heal
One of the first things that will probably determine the length of time it takes to heal is the size of the hemorrhoid. The smaller hemorrhoid, the faster the healing process. As a rule, the average healing time is about 2 weeks.
The second rule is that the size of hemorrhoids and the number of times a person has had a hemorrhoidal emergency is directly related to the size of hemorrhoids. The more times you have experienced an emergency, the bigger hemorrhoid.