10 great benefits of persimmons for health, you probably didn't know about

10 great benefits of persimmons. Supports digestive health. Anti-inflammatory, anti-infective. Increased immunity. Vision enhancement. Anti-oxidants
Estimated read time: 7 min

10 great benefits of persimmons for health, you probably didn't know about
The benefits of persimmons are a fruit belonging to the family Anacardiaceae. It is also known by other names such as Turkish fruit, Indian plum, and monkey peach. They are native to East and South Asia but are now widely cultivated in warm climates around the world. They are used for a variety of purposes, including food, medicine, and tincture. Let's find out about 10 great benefits of persimmons for health, you probably didn't know about them.

benefits of persimmons.Two pieces of persimmon fruit

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1. benefits of persimmons Supports digestive health

 persimmons contain a lot of fiber. Although it does not contain a lot of nutrients, fiber is very useful for the functioning of the digestive system in the body. The fiber contained in ripe persimmons stimulates digestion quickly and smoothly, and has a laxative effect, preventing constipation. Green persimmon fruit is very effective in treating diarrhea. 

It is recommended to drink Persimmon juice to treat diarrhea and bring the fluid balance in the body back to normal. It can also be used to relieve the symptoms of bowel movements. Persimmon is also recommended for people suffering from hemorrhoids, as it soothes and softens the tissues of the anus. It also reduces inflammation.

The fiber contained in the intestine contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria, which helps nutrients in the intestine to be better absorbed.

2. benefits of persimmons Anti-inflammatory, anti-infective

In addition to being able to support the digestive system, Persimmon also has anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious properties. The anti-inflammatory properties of Persimmon have been shown to reduce swelling, and the anti-infectious properties of Persimmon have been shown to reduce the number of bacteria in the body, making it a wonderful fruit that should be included in your diet

Persimmon contains a lot of phytochemicals, polyphenols, and catechins. They are not only substances with a powerful antioxidant capacity, but these substances also significantly contribute to reducing inflammation and infection. Especially catechins. Catechin is a natural antioxidant found in green tea leaves, apples, guava, grapes, and strawberries ... It is proven that it has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious effects.

3. benefits of persimmons Increased immunity

Fruits like persimmons are high in vitamin C.. Vitamin C contained in this fruit has the effect of stimulating the formation of white blood cells, forming a "barrier" that protects the body from bacteria, and prevents inflammation, thereby reducing the risk of many bad infections, including colds and flu. The same thing happens during infection as in a healthy human body.

 White blood cells race to the site of infection and, once there, begin to fight the infection. We can eat persimmons regularly to increase resistance, and help the immune system to be healthier. Dad. Persimmons are also high in fiber, which has been linked to lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

4. Vision enhancement

In addition to vitamin C, persimmons also contain a very rich amount of vitamin A. Like the "ophthalmologist", vitamin A plays an important role in protecting and strengthening eyesight. If the body lacks vitamin A, the eyes will suffer from night blindness, dryness of the cornea, inflammation of the eye, etc., Which can lead to blindness. With a "rich" amount of vitamin A, persimmons are a suitable option to support Vision protection.

Besides vitamin A, persimmons also contain lutein and zeaxanthin. These two carotenoids are very effective antioxidants, preventing and slowing down the process of macular degeneration, cataracts, etc.- Blue light can be filtered to help reduce eye strain, and blurred vision and improve vision. They can also help reduce dry eyes.

 They also help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration

5. Prevents high blood pressure

Persimmon is a fruit suitable for people suffering from hypertension. It is known that it has high levels of potassium, which is vital for our health, and also contains compounds that help lower blood pressure. In addition, Persimmon has a high content of dietary fiber, which helps to lower cholesterol, and has an antioxidant appearance.

According to health studies, increasing potassium levels in the body will reduce sodium levels (sodium increases blood pressure), and at the same time have an effect on water and electrolyte balance, vasodilation, etc., Lowering blood pressure. With hypertension, regular use of Persimmon cauterization is a safe and effective solution for health.

6. Increased metabolism

Persimmon fruit has a stimulating effect on metabolism because it contains B-complex vitamin components such as vitamin B6, vitamin B9, and vitamin B1. These nutrients are involved in the production of energy, which helps the body burn calories and increase metabolism. These vitamins have an immediate impact on the body's metabolism.

The provision of the above vitamins from Persimmon contributes to faster and more efficient metabolic activity. This, in turn, helps to reduce the amount of fat stored in the body and helps in weight loss. Persimmon is also a good source of fiber, which helps reduce the feeling of fullness and prevents overeating. 

7. Anti-oxidants

Pink belongs to the group of colored berries, and provides the body with a lot of beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A), lutein, lycopene, catechin, gallic acid, etc ... These are components with powerful antioxidant effects. , Help protect cells from damage, thereby preventing and slowing down the aging process, memory loss, and chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.

8. Fighting cancer

As mentioned earlier, Persimmon contains many components with powerful antioxidant effects. In addition to protecting cells, and slowing down the aging process, these antioxidants also have the function of fighting free radicals in the body - agents that destroy cell structures, and damage cells, and tissues ... They lead to the development of cancer.

With a large amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, betulinic acid, and phenolic compounds that can protect cells, prevent cancer, etc., persimmons are good fruits for the Prevention of chronic diseases.

9. Supports the weight loss process

An average Persimmon contains about 120-130 calories and 0.3 grams of fat, which is much less than a chicken egg (chicken eggs contain about 155 calories and 11 grams of fat). Therefore, this fruit is considered suitable for snacking by people who are losing weight.

10. Stop bleeding

In addition to fruit, meat has many health benefits, other parts of pink plants also have many other benefits.

According to Oriental Medicine, the bark, leaves, stem, and roots of the persimmon tree have a very effective hemostatic effect. Tannins contained in the resin (pus) of persimmon tree not only can disinfect but also form a thin film that prevents bleeding and accelerates blood clotting.

In our country, Persimmon is a popular fruit that has many health benefits and is loved by many people. However, when using persimmon, we should also pay attention to some things such as low blood pressure should limit Persimmon intake; do not eat Persimmon when you are very hungry or eat it with seafood because Persimmon contains a lot of tannins, this substance when it meets protein and acid in the stomach will easily cause precipitation to form stones.

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