cravings: that meet the needs of the right and real body
These types of cravings may indicate that you are under psychological stress, but according to some researchers, you may also lack certain nutrients and your body is trying to remind you of this. Have you ever felt 7 cravings that speak to your body's true needs? Let's dig deeper and see why and what the body really needs
1. Spicy food
We all know that eating healthy can help us feel better when we're not feeling well. But did you know that certain foods can help fight infections and inflammation, too? That's right - some foods resemble natural antibiotics. Called phytochemicals, they are found in fruits, vegetables, and other foods.
One of the most well-known phytochemicals is capsaicin, which is contained in fresh chili peppers. Fresh chili peppers can help you feel better when you're sick and may help reduce the duration of a cold. They also contain vitamin C and other nutrients that can help you feel better faster.
2 . Black Chocolate
Dark chocolate contains caffeine. This component helps to enhance alertness and energy because it stimulates the central nervous system. The natural ingredients in dark chocolate, such as cocoa and theobromine, may also relieve stress and improve your health. So every time you feel tired and sleepy, you often crave a piece of chocolate to be more productive.
It also helps to improve concentration and concentration, which helps to improve memory and increase reaction time.
The second reason for this is that your body needs magnesium. It is an essential mineral for the nervous system, but if you are deficient, it can lead to fatigue, muscle cramps, behavioral problems, and even seizures. (You can get magnesium from dark chocolate, as well as from some leafy greens and nuts. However, researchers are still not sure about this because other foods contain magnesium, such as nuts.
3. Peanut butter
Peanut butter is so nutritious that it contains an ingredient that is used medicinally, mostly to lower cholesterol levels.
You may also crave peanut butter due to nutritional deficiencies. This product is a good source of protein, antioxidants, fats, iron, magnesium, and calcium. It also contains fiber, which has been shown to have many health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving digestion. Some people also use peanut butter as a meal replacement when they need to reduce the amount of food they eat. This is a great way to satisfy your cravings without succumbing to unhealthy foods that can lead to additional weight gain.
4. Ice water
If you suddenly feel the need to chew ice, it is usually because your body is in a state of iron deficiency, which can occur with anemia. The real reason for these cravings is unclear, but it is suggested that chewing ice can help increase alertness if you suffer from iron deficiency and anemia. As a result of iron deficiency, your brain often craves carbohydrates or salt. The need to chew ice can be explained by the fact that the brain needs iron to grow properly, just as it needs vitamins and minerals to grow.
Another less common reason is that you feel stressed and have emotional problems. It may take a few weeks for these problems to go away on their own. However, if you have emotional problems, it will take longer and it may not be possible to get rid of them.
5. Cakes
Pastries are rich in carbohydrates. You will easily feel happier after eating a piece of cake because the calories in the cake help you get more energy quickly. Studies have found that the common time the body craves carbohydrates is between 3:30 pm and 5 pm daily, so if you are on a diet, be careful during this time.
In addition, when your body feels hungry and craves foods such as bread, cakes, or pasta, the body lacks chromium or nitrogen. Some researchers Associate carbohydrate cravings with sadness and stress, and eating donuts triggers the release of a happy hormone called serotonin.
6. Meat and burgers
If you suddenly start craving burgers, think about what exactly makes you crave them, and it could be red meat. Firstly, meat contains a lot of protein, so your body may lack this substance. Secondly: red meat contains iron, zinc, and vitamin B.
In addition, one study suggests that a high-protein diet may be the key to avoiding overeating and obesity.
7. Soft drinks
When you are thirsty, you may prefer soft drinks to plain water. But soda contains phosphoric acid, which interferes with calcium and magnesium and washes them out of your bones. If you drink soda every day, you will probably struggle to get enough of these two nutrients.
Cravings for sour food
Likely, this craving for sour food is partly caused by the presence of bacteria and yeast in our intestines, which stimulate the production of acid-forming bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. It takes a lot of sour food to produce enough acid to achieve this result, so cravings are a sign that your body is missing some essential nutrients, such as calcium, that it needs to keep you healthy.
Why do I crave salty and sour foods?
Sometimes, when I'm feeling down or stressed, I find myself craving salty or sour foods. I'll feel a sudden, unquenchable craving for chips, pizza, or ice cream. My body seems to think that these foods will bring me comfort, even though I know that they won't. What's happening in my brain?
How to control food cravings
We all experience food cravings at times. These cravings can be very satisfying and sometimes it's impossible to resist them. But cravings don't always tell the whole story. Sometimes they come when your body needs something to keep you healthy and happy.
The secret to controlling food cravings lies in meeting the body's real needs. This means making sure you get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and eat a nutritious diet that includes enough protein and fiber to keep your digestive system running smoothly.