Buccal facial massage for young skin: Effects, kinds, and indications

Buccal facial massage is a modern massage technique that allows improving the condition of skin . Its effect is similar to skin tightening , Botox
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Buccal facial massage for young skin: Effects, kinds, and indications 
What a woman does not go to preserve beauty and youth. Thanks to the modern achievements of cosmetologists, now even at the age of forty you can look twenty-five and feel great. Effective methods of facial rejuvenation include various types of massage, one of which is Buccal facial massage.

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What is a Buccal facial massage?

Buccal facial massage is a modern massage technique that allows you to improve your skin condition and increase the tone of the facial muscles. Its effect is similar to skin tightening and Botox.

The essence of this technique lies mainly in the fact that massage procedures are performed on the outer and inner sides of the face. The technique was developed by the French cosmetologist Joel seok.

The technique of cheek massage has literally transformed all thoughts far beyond the traditional methods of skin rejuvenation. Now you can achieve a noticeable facelift without much intervention: women do not need to go to plastic surgeons or do mesotherapy using "beauty injections". Radical surgery can be dangerous to health, Buccal Massage is absolutely safe, it can be used by any lady, regardless of age.

Types of Buccal facial massage

The technique of Buccal facial massage procedures is divided into several types:

  1. Sculptural. This view combines two directions: buccal and sculptural. The work in this technique is carried out along the massage lines and is aimed at working out all the muscles of the face.
  2. Plastic. This type combines an external light and an intense internal effect on the maxillofacial muscles and nerve endings.
  3. Topological. This type of technique includes acupuncture, that is, the effect on energy points and active nerve endings.

Each type of Buccal Massage is unique and has its own positive aspects and features. It is better to decide which of them to use together with a specialist and your doctor. This will allow you to build the work correctly and achieve high positive results.

What is the uniqueness of the procedure?

This technique is unique in its non-standard approach. The specialist acts and acts on the facial muscles simultaneously from two sides: external and internal. The method of movement in this case is fast and intense, which can sometimes cause discomfort. And yet it is much better and safer than an injection or scalpel.

The great advantage of this massage is that it:

  • Effectively tightens the skin.
  • Removes wrinkles
  • Smoothes nasolabial and internal folds.
  • Enhances blood flow and lymph flow.
  • Muscle spasms and stiffness are removed, which allows you to get away from facial distortion and restore facial expressions.
  • Corrects the Oval and removes excess subcutaneous fat from the cheeks.
  • Promotes the regeneration of epidermal cells.
  • All this can be achieved through regular courses in Buccal Massage.

Indications for use

The technique and technique of this cosmetic procedure have no special contraindications. It can be used at any age. 

It is particularly advised for those who are:

  • Flabby skin
  • Wash off the oval of the face.
  • Decreased tension of the facial muscles.
  • Pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Puffiness of the eyelids.

After several procedures, the skin acquires a healthy color, evens out, and tightens.


But even with all the advantages, there are limitations to the use of this technique. People should not use it:

  • With thyroid disorders.
  • With oncological diseases.
  • With pronounced lesions of the skin of the face (scratches, wounds, hematomas) ؛
  • In case of an allergic reaction (which may occur on latex or components of the cream used). 
  • During pregnancy.

It is also worth refraining from performing this massage in case of herpes or other infectious diseases.

Technique of execution

Buccal facial massage is possible only in specialized cosmetology centers by trained Masters. You cannot complete this process by yourself. This is because it is necessary to make movements directly above the person, from above, or from behind.

It should be understood that it is impossible to turn around and correctly perform movements on your own. At the same time, be prepared that in the case of a home massage, a hematoma, irritation, and swelling may remain on the face, which will only have a negative effect. That is why it is worthwhile to contact a specialist who knows exactly how to act and what force to use.

The process begins with the nasolabial region 

then the movement continues to the inside of the lip and deep into the oral cavity. The facial muscles are small, each of which requires a special study of the fingertips to achieve a positive result.

Cheek massage refers to sculpting, it is aimed at activating and maintaining the maxillofacial muscles. 

The process is broken down into many phases.:

Clean and prepare the skin

Before starting any type of massage, the skin should be cleaned of dust, dirt, and cosmetics. This procedure is mandatory, since direct contact with dirty skin hands can lead to injury, and in the case of work inside the oral cavity, this moment becomes very important.


 To activate the lymph flow, the lymph nodes under the lower jaw, neck, and neck are kneaded with light movements. After that, the facial muscles are warmed up, for this they use pinching and tapping. Work is carried out from the central zone to the periphery.

Massage movements

 First, the muscles of the mouth are worked out in a circular motion. To do this, the thumb is placed on the inside of the mouth, and the index fingers remain on the outside. Work with hands is carried out simultaneously from two sides. This position of the fingers allows you to activate the flow of blood and lymph in both directions and fill the tissues with oxygen.

After that, the work is transferred to the nasolabial folds

Movements are performed using the same technique, stretching the muscles down and to the sides. Next are the cheeks. Mimic muscles are the last muscles to be activated. Working with each muscle, the specialist produces not only stroking movements but also pinching movements, and tapping with light pressure.

The final stage of the massage is general stroking, soothing movements all over the face, followed by applying a moisturizer. It is best to use professional cosmetics that contain natural ingredients.

The patient's mouth remains open throughout the procedure

The master carefully exercises each muscle, causing slight discomfort. But this does not harm health, and soon adaptation to unpleasant sensations occurs.

All procedures of the specialist are carried out in protective gloves, which are pre-treated with antiseptic agents.

Note! In the first minutes after the massage, swelling may appear, but it quickly disappears, leaving behind smooth and even skin.

The effectiveness of Buccal facial massage

After the first sessions of work in the technique of sculptural massage, you will notice positive changes in your appearance.

The effect of BOTOX

 Skin rejuvenation, firming the oval of the face, all this becomes clearly visible after a course of Buccal Massage. It is the pronounced anti-aging effect that has made this technique popular all over the world: mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, nasolabial folds and wrinkles are removed, the sagging chin disappears, and the cheek area is tightened. The face acquires a clear outline, as well as inscriptions of the lips and cheekbones.

Good mood

Agree, when you see positive changes in your appearance, your psychological mood clearly rises. You feel more confident in communicating with other people, and stress resistance increases.

Therapeutic effect 

This massage shows high efficiency in restoring the work of facial muscles in people who have had strokes and neuropathies when muscles are affected and atrophied. Muscle activation activates blood flow, which improves cell nutrition and allows you to recover faster. This technique can also help in the field of speech therapy and speech defects, and improve the functioning of the muscles of the tongue.

How to save the result

To achieve noticeable results with Buccal Massage, it should be performed in courses of 8-10 sessions. To maintain the effect, courses should be repeated every six months. Additionally, you ought to follow these guidelines:

  • Try not to be in the open sun for a long time, use creams with high UV protection in the summer.
  • Devote full time to sleep and rest, do not sleep on pillows.
  • Use cosmetics and products according to your skin type and age-appropriate.
  • Remove makeup and dirt before bedtime.
  • Avoid hot water.
  • Maintain proper diet and water balance.
  • Do not forget to visit a beautician.

By following these simple recommendations, you can enhance the rejuvenating effect of Buccal Massage for a long time, while preserving your beauty and youth.

a summary

Having studied the detailed information about Buccal Massage, you will be able to clearly control the process, and understand what sensations you should prepare for and what results you can achieve. Be sure to consult with your doctor before starting this procedure, as there are restrictions on its use.

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