Nutrition for menopause in women. Learn about food, nutrition, and dieting.

Nutrition for menopause in women. Learning how to eat right during menopause can make a big difference in how your body works, how your body looks.
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Nutrition for menopause in women with the onset of menopause

When a woman is about to mature, one of the most important questions is how not to gain weight by continuing to eat her favorite food What is the secret of proper nutrition during menopause. follow this article to know more about Nutrition for menopause in women

Nutrition for menopause : Lady Eating in Purple

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Menopause is inevitable

you just have to endure it and continue to enjoy life. But it is very important during this period to be especially sensitive to your body. Diagnose the state of Health, cosmetic procedures, and physical activity - and in no case forget about healthy food. What should be the right nutrition for menopause in women, what foods should be added to your diet, and what should you say goodbye to without pity

What foods can be eaten with menopause

Have you noticed: with age, our body tends to increase in size, and getting rid of extra pounds is becoming more difficult It's all about our hormones.

During the period of hormonal decline, namely the premenopausal period, weight gain is caused by a decrease in estrogen levels and a decrease in metabolic rate. A sedentary lifestyle and stress aggravate the situation, this will allow you to maintain a normal weight and hormonal levels. The diet should be adjusted to maintain optimal hormone levels, both with and without hormone therapy.

Proper nutrition is, first of all, a balanced diet. Your diet should contain proteins, fats, and complex carbohydrates.

What to eat

nutrition for menopause Squirrels

This is the basis for the construction of new cells.

The consumption of proteins, especially derived from animal products (animal meat, poultry, fish, eggs) contributes to the production of steroid hormones. Proteins are also actively involved in the most important metabolic processes.

Vegetable crops should also be considered as sources of protein: buckwheat, wild and red rice, quinoa, couscous, chickpeas, white lentils, beans, red and white beans, and nuts.

A healthy diet should have enough protein. Amino acids, which function as proteins' building blocks, are chemicals. Amino acids are used by your body to create hormones, enzymes, and muscle and bone growth and repair. They can also be utilized as a source of energy.


The benefits of saturated fats are great. This includes eggs, liver, butter, animal meat, and poultry meat.

Nevertheless, excess fat leads to adverse effects, says Margarita Halimova. - In addition, it is worth giving preference to products that are not deformed. In the process of cooking at high temperatures, the molecular structure of fats changes and acquires toxic properties.

It is useful to add avocado, avocado, flaxseed, rapeseed, olive, coconut, and sea buckthorn oils to the diet containing omega-3 and omega-6. Flaxseed is a source of alpha-linolenic acid, flaxseed contains water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, and helps with lowering blood pressure, with cardiovascular diseases.

nutrition for menopause Carbohydrates and more

Be sure to include a lot of greens in your diet. The more diverse the choice of greenery in type and color, the greater the benefit. Fruits and dried fruits should be minimized, it is better to focus on berries. And pay attention to seaweed: it is a storehouse of many trace elements.

By providing vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a variety of important phytonutrients, healthy sources of carbohydrates such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed or barely processed legumes support excellent health.

White bread, pastries, carbonated drinks, and other items that have undergone extensive processing or refinement are all unhealthy sources of carbohydrates. These substances include easily assimilated carbohydrates that may accelerate weight gain, thwart efforts to lose weight, and promote diabetes and heart disease.

How to make nutrition for menopause

It is important not only what we eat, but also in sequence quantities. Meat is good, but an overabundance of pork is unlikely to be healthy. However, proper nutrition is not only a good combination of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates but also a certain regimen.

Recommendations from a gynecologist:

  • Three meals a day, servings - increased, 400-500 mg each.
  • Instead of snacks between meals-water, tea, or a cup of natural coffee.
  • Simple carbohydrates are taboo. The exceptions are fruits with a low glycemic index (apples, peaches, pears, grapefruits) and berries.
  • Water is a must! How much to drink, calculate for yourself according to the scheme: 30 ml per 1 kg of ideal weight.
  • Add more fiber to the diet (cabbage, corn, buckwheat, green beans, etc.), and non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, onions, spinach, bell peppers).
  • Dairy and sour milk products should be consumed in limited quantities. The digestive system in adulthood is not designed for dairy products of cow and goat origin. Excessive craving for milk threatens not only digestion problems but also atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular insufficiency.
  • Give preference to vegetable fats: linseed oil, avocado, and nuts. Replace meat with oily fish two to three times a week.

What foods should be avoided during menopause

- First of all - sweets. In particular, sugar, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, sweet carbonated drinks, and fruit juice, says Margarita Halimova. - Sweets sharply and rapidly increase blood sugar levels within 10-20 minutes, and excess sugar levels lead to a sharp decrease in the production of adrenal hormones. Sweet Dental has problems with the endocrine system. 

What should be excluded from the diet Grain products (bread, pasta, rice) irritate the gastrointestinal tract, and contribute to the formation of food allergic reactions, so it is better to give preference to sprouted grains. Alcohol consumption contributes to the reduction of many hormones, perhaps due to the sugar in the composition, but it is possible that ethanol is to blame.

How to speed up metabolism during menopause

- Do some physical exercises. 30 minutes of brisk walking 4-5 times a week and strength training twice a week will maintain your metabolic rate. Keep in mind that 5,000 to 10,000 steps of Nordic walking is a must! - Highly recommend Dr. Halimova.

Sleep is an important aspect. When menopause comes, you need to help your hormonal system. Melatonin deficiency inhibits the production of the necessary hormones: insulin, testosterone, adrenaline, etc., which, in turn, can cause a host of diseases and early menopause or difficult menopause. 

Melatonin production begins closer to 22: 00, while it should be dark, so it is not recommended to sit at the computer or scroll through the social media feed on your smartphone before going to bed. It is also important to remember that the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

What vitamins should be taken with menopause

This is the so-called healthy Quartet - a thing that affects the increase in the duration and quality of life, - says the gynecologist.

 This includes:

  •  1) sex hormones (used to maintain physiological levels; hormone replacement therapy for a lack of sex hormones) ؛ 
  • 2) vitamin D (to maintain the physiological level, in case of deficiency) ؛ 
  • 3) omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (permanently) ؛
  •  4) thioctic or alpha-lipoic acid (permanently). It is also important to compensate for iron deficiency if necessary.

Your doctor will help you choose a multivitamin complex containing antioxidants and vitamins that help maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails, as well as improve overall health and control body weight.

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