Tips from cardiologists on how to strengthen the heart in elderly people

to strengthen the heart in elderly people. drink plenty of water. watch cholesterol levels. less salt.Exercise. eat right foods
Estimated read time: 9 min

ways to improve heart health in the elderly people

Modern doctors believe that cardiologists are getting younger every year. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the frequency of their occurrence in elderly people. Almost 90% of elderly people suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. How to strengthen the heart in old age to maintain its health as long as possible will be discussed in this article.

elderly people Working Out

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Changes in heart function in elderly people

The heart is often referred to as the engine of the human body. After all, it is this organ, only the size of a fist, that is responsible for the life support of the entire body. It is through the heart that blood enters every cell of the body and with it the necessary nutrients.

For elderly people, changes and disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle are characteristic.

The heart increases in size 

A common occurrence in elderly people is an increase in the volume of the left ventricle of the heart, as its walls thicken and begin to pump less and less blood into the chamber. They fill up very slowly compared to previous years. Therefore, when comparing the size and efficiency of the heart in elderly people, a negative trend can be observed compared to young people.

Decreased contractility of the heart muscle

 By the time a person reaches the age of seventy, his heart pumps about 165 million liters of blood. Thinking about how to strengthen the heart in elderly people, it is worth knowing that its performance directly depends on the state of heart muscle cells, which become less and less over the years. The reason for this is the impossibility of self-renewal of cardiac cells, in the place where connective tissue is formed. With it, the body tries to replace dead cells to strengthen the survivors. However, it is impossible to fully compensate for the work of dead heart muscle cells in this way.

The work of the heart valve apparatus is disturbed

 Most of all, the mitral valve and the aortic valve undergo age-related changes, due to which their cusps eventually lose their elasticity. The loss of elasticity can be caused, among other things, by the accumulation of calcium in the heart. As a result, heart failure occurs by the function of the valve, which leads to an uneven distribution of blood through the cavities of the heart.

The heart rate changes

Impulses for pumping blood through the heart are generated by cells that die all the time a person lives in the world. In elderly people, the number of functional cells rarely exceeds 10% of the initial level, which inevitably leads to arrhythmia.

5 tips from cardiologists on how to strengthen the heart in elderly people

Tip # 1: drink plenty of water.

A literally vital measure is to maintain the water balance in the body. Water increases blood circulation through the blood vessels, which prevents the appearance of blood clots.

Cardiologists prescribe drugs that strengthen the heart.

Previously, in response to a question about how to strengthen the heart in elderly people, doctors advised people over 40 years old to regularly take cardiac aspirin (the dosage of the active substance in such tablets is much lower than that of its antipyretic analog). These drugs thin the blood, preventing the appearance of blood clots and the resulting heart attacks and strokes. This means that they prolong life.

However, recent studies have shown that aspirin abuse can cause internal bleeding. Therefore, this remedy should be taken only in case of extreme necessity.

Aspirin can help strengthen the heart of those who are at risk:

 men (especially smokers) aged 50-55, and women from 65 to 70 years. In general, this drug should be taken only if it cannot be replaced with another strengthening agent.

It is better if possible to do without drugs until the age of eighty. After all, there are a lot of folk methods that often help more effectively than any chemistry.

Tip # 2: watch your cholesterol levels

Harmful cholesterol can lead to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which over time clog the gaps in the blood vessels. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood and prevent its increase. This will help with the right diet, as well as special medicines - beds, cleansing blood vessels and blood from excess cholesterol.

The third tip: less salt.

Salt should be excluded from the diet whenever possible. A large amount of salt in the body leads to an increase in blood pressure, and the development of atherosclerosis, and edema. Salting dishes, especially for elderly people is not worth it. Indeed, all the products we use, therefore contain a sufficient amount of Na and Cl. For example, in potatoes, the salt content reaches 30 mg / 100 grams, and in milk - as much as 120 mg / 100 grams. Even 100 grams of sweet bananas contain about 54 mg.

Tip number 4: Exercise

A small but regular physical activity (walking, slow running, swimming, or cycling) is the best answer to the question of how to strengthen the heart in elderly people. A striking example of this is Nordic walking. In the parks, you can often meet older women and men with two unusual sticks, designed just for this type of walking.

If you do not want to leave the house, you can do effective and simple exercises. For example, squats. You can start training with two squats a day and gradually increase their number.

Tip number 5: eat right

The heart really needs the vitamins and minerals that the body receives from food. A properly composed menu should contain potassium, which is very important for the heart and has an instant effect on the heart muscle compared to other vitamins. For example, if you eat a banana, the sensations in the heart will immediately relax.

 proper nutrition should exclude harmful foods:

  • Salt؛
  • Spicy and smoked dishes, factory sausages, fast food ؛
  • Yeast bread
  • Fatty foods, fatty meats (especially with high cholesterol levels) ؛
  • Sweets (especially with high blood sugar levels) ؛
  • Strong tea and coffee (especially when entering a risk group), because these drinks contain caffeine and tannin, which provoke vasospasm, increase pressure, and increase the number of heartbeats per minute.

How to strengthen the heart of elderly people with moderate exercise

 often better known to patients. But it is always better to prevent heart problems by consciously working on strengthening the striated muscles. 

The best means for this are physical exercises performed according to certain rules:

  • You should train regularly, observing equal intervals between classes. It is better to do it at least twice a week.
  • The workout should last 60 minutes or more and include a variety of activities and intensity levels.
  • Exercise is best done outdoors. If this is not possible, then there should be natural ventilation in the room where classes are held. Exercise should stimulate the ventilation of the lungs. These procedures will provide the necessary aerobic load on the entire body, allowing you to completely oxidize lactic acid in the tissues, reducing the contractility of muscles, including the heart.
  • Thinking about how to strengthen the heart in old age, in addition to physical education, which has a positive effect, negative effects should also be eliminated: smoking, lack of sleep, aggressiveness, and stress. Treatment of the heart in elderly people with moderate exercise

What foods help strengthen the heart in elderly people

Legumes: contain calcium and soluble fiber, which activate digestion and stimulate the heart.

Lean meat (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit).

Fish that should be fatty, unlike meat: mackerel, herring, salmon, and other red species. If it is not possible to buy fish often, you should supplement the diet with fish oil in dragee.

Olive oil. Helps maintain cholesterol levels within normal limits.

Oatmeal flour. In addition to using vitamins and minerals, this porridge has a calming effect on the heart.

Cheese and dairy products are rich in calcium.

Bread is made from cereals. It is better to prefer rye or whole grain varieties to yeast bread made from white flour.

Vegetables and fruits

 the daily norm of which should be 400 grams. The emphasis should be on foods rich in potassium: rolled potatoes, raisins, dried apricots, dates, bananas, parsley, and other greens. It is important to note that raisins are much healthier than fresh grapes because, in addition to containing glucose, which is important for the heart, it does not contain sugar.

Nuts. For heart health, it is necessary to eat a handful of any nuts every day: walnuts, Cedar, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.

To effectively work the heart muscle and improve overall well-being and give vitality. May the elderly act on these tips.

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