English diet: pros, Cons, A 21-day menu, Reviews of nutritionists
The English diet is an effective long-term diet and its results are quite stable. According to nutritionists, this type of diet is not balanced enough, and all contraindications should be studied. The menu for 21 days will help you understand the alternation of different types of food in the English diet.
The pros of the English diet
English diet is designed for 3 weeks, for such a long period the body has time to readjust to a new type of food, small portions, and frequent meals, so the result is more stable, unlike short-term diets.
The name of the English diet's origin is uncertain, according to a number of sources. According to one version, this diet existed in ancient England, and according to another, it was developed by British scientists.
Whatever it was
the diet does not require fasting and includes a lot of vegetables, fruits, and protein. These products contribute to the normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and accelerate the elimination of toxins.
The principle of the diet is the alternation of protein and vegetable days, which helps to maintain muscle mass by saturating the body with a sufficient amount of protein. Weight loss due to fat mass. There is also a diet option in which two days of vegetables and two days of protein are alternated.
Cons of the English diet
The diet is strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, and liver.
The abundance of fiber in vegetables and fruits can lead to flatulence and diarrhea, and a large amount of protein, on the contrary, leads to constipation. Increased excretion of protein breakdown products burdens the kidneys.
The English diet is considered unbalanced, since the amount of essential fats is significantly reduced, and on vegetable days the body suffers from a lack of protein. Also on vegetable days the load on the intestines increases.
A 21-day menu for the English diet
Consider the menu when switching between two protein days and two vegetable days. The main condition is that on any day the calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1000 kcal.
It is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, excluding coffee, black tea, alcohol, and soda. It is better to exclude salt and sugar in their pure form. Avoid fatty, salty, smoked foods, flour, and sauces.
On protein days, beef, lean fish, chicken, and Turkey are allowed. In vegetables - most vegetables, except for starchy, very sweet and sour fruits
Week 1
The first stage of the diet is two days of fasting. During this period, light foods in small quantities help to reduce the volume of the stomach and prepare the body for a diet.
Next comes the alternation of two protein and two vegetable days until the end of the diet. Proteins, vegetables, and fruits contain fewer calories than fatty foods, sweets, and starchy foods. Their exclusion from the diet leads to weight loss. It is impossible to change the succession of days so that the body has time to compensate for the lack of necessary nutrients on a given day.
It is recommended to eat fractionals up to 5 times a day, the last main meal 19 hours before. You can have a snack on kefir or lean fruit.
Day 1. Discharge
- Breakfast: a glass of low-fat milk
- Lunch: tomato juice, a glass of kefir.Dinner
- A glass of kefir-only up to 1.5 liters per day
Day 2. Discharge
- Breakfast: a glass of low-fat milk
- Lunch: tomato juice, a glass of kefir.Dinner
- A glass of kefir-only up to 1.5 liters per day
The third day: protein
- Breakfast: a piece of cheese, steamed fish cakes ،
- Lunch: 200 g of diet beef, a glass of meat broth, and lettuce leaves.Dinner
- : 3 egg white omelet, tea
Fourth day: protein
- Breakfast: a glass of boiled milk, chicken breast
- Lunch: a piece of boiled fish cheese
- Dinner: a piece of black bread and a glass of kefir
Day 5. Vegetables
- Breakfast: grapefruit, tomato, and cucumber salad
- Lunch: stewed zucchini and bell pepper
- Dinner: cauliflower and broccoli soup.
Day six: vegetables
Breakfast: Fruit and berry salad
Seventh day: protein
- Breakfast: 3 omelets of egg whites, tea ،
- Lunch: boiled chicken breast, crumbled buckwheat ،
- Dinner: 200 g of diet beef, a glass of meat broth.
Week 2
By this time, the body is gradually getting used to the new diet. On protein days, the lack of proteins is compensated to prevent muscle burning and restore strength.
The main fat burning occurs on vegetable days, as well as saturation with vitamins and fiber, which improves digestion and reduces hunger.
Eighth day: protein
- Breakfast:
- A slice of bread, unsweetened tea, a spoonful of honey, a glass of free cottage cheese
- Fat.
Day 9. Vegetables
- Breakfast: a handful of berries, and an Apple.
- Lunch:
- Cauliflower and broccoli soup.
Day 10. Vegetables
- Breakfast: carrot and cabbage salad, kiwi, green tea.
- Lunch: beetroot salad with walnuts.Dinner
- Vegetable broth: vegetable broth of eggplant, pepper, and tomato.
Day 11. Protein
- Breakfast: boiled chicken breast, a piece of whole grain bread ،
- Lunch: turkey breast, lettuce ،
- Dinner: 200 g of diet beef, and crumbled buckwheat.
Day 12. Protein
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs from 3 egg whites, tea ،
- Lunch: a piece of cheese, boiled fish ،
- Dinner: a piece of black bread, a glass of kefir.
Day 13. Vegetables
- Breakfast: grapefruit, tomato, and cucumber salad
- Lunch: broccoli and cauliflower soup
- Dinner: stewed zucchini and bell pepper
Day 14. Vegetables
- Breakfast: grapefruit, a handful of berries ،
- Lunch: vegetable broth from eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, oranges ،
- Dinner: carrot and cabbage salad, Kiwi.
Third week
On the twenty-first day this weekend, another fasting day follows to get out of the diet.
After the end of the diet, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and not resort to it more than once a year.
The fifteenth day
- Breakfast: a slice of bread, unsweetened tea, a spoonful of honey, a glass of fat-free cottage cheese
- Composition of kefir
Sixteenth day
- Breakfast: a glass of milk, a glass of cottage cheese ،
- Lunch: salad and turkey breast
- Dinner: egg white omelet, 3 eggs, milk.
Day 17. Vegetables
- Breakfast: carrot salad, cabbage, kiwi, green tea
- Lunch: broccoli and cauliflower soup
- Dinner: baked eggplant
Day 18. Vegetables
- Breakfast: orange and apple salad, green tea
- Lunch: eggplant, pepper, and tomato vegetable broth ،
- Dinner: grapefruit, tomato, and cucumber salad.
Nineteenth day
- Breakfast: scrambled eggs from 3 egg whites, tea ،
- Lunch: a piece of cheese, boiled fish ،
- Dinner: a piece of black bread, a glass of kefir.
Day 20
- Breakfast: a slice of bread, unsweetened tea, a spoonful of honey, and a glass of cottage cheese without
- Fat.
Day 21. Discharge
- Breakfast: a glass of milk or kefir
- Lunch: tomato juice and a glass of kefir
- Dinner: tomato juice
The English diet allows you to effectively reduce excess weight to 7-10 kg. But according to the norms of rational nutrition, the diet is far from ideal: the body suffers from a lack of vitamins and fiber on protein days. and there is a breakdown on vegetable days. Excess amounts of protein for two days in a row burden the stomach and intestines and can cause digestive problems.
Reviews of nutritionists
The English diet is quite diverse, but still, it cannot be considered a full meal, since some nutrients are practically absent on a given day and cannot be replaced by others.
Such a diet is prohibited for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, intestines, and stomach, as well as pregnant and lactating women. "During the diet, it is necessary to take multivitamins, and you can eat such food no more than once a year," says Dilara Akhmetova, a nutrition consultant, and nutrition coach.