The Many Benefits of Nutmeg: A Comprehensive Guide
The benefits of nutmeg are numerous it can add flavor to food, helps with arthritis pain, and improves heart health. The fruits of nutmeg, or rather the nut wort, are in demand as a spice in cooking and as a source for obtaining nutmeg essential oil used in the perfumery, cosmetics, and the tobacco industry. The benefits of nutmeg and what is the use of this burning and fragrant nut, let's try to figure it out.
Where and how to grow nutmeg
The birthplace of this tree is the Moluccas, known throughout the world as the Spice Islands. They belong to the group of Indonesian islands and until the XVII century were the exclusive owners of the most expensive spice - nutmeg, obtained from the endemic tree Myristica fragrances Houtte. Now this tree grows everywhere, where climatic conditions allow.
the main suppliers of nutmeg to the world spice market are:
- Indonesia
- India
- Guatemala
- Tanzania
- Laos.
- Nepal.
Although there are more than 10 types of nutmeg, the supplier of the famous spice is aromatic nutmeg. It is an evergreen branched tree that rarely reaches 10 m in plantations and up to 15 m in the wild. Muskatnik is a dioecious plant, which means that male and female trees must be planted nearby for cross-pollination to occur.
Aromatic nutmeg looks like this:
- The leaves are Oval in shape, alternate, leathery, shiny on the outside, and dull on the bottom.
- The tree blooms with pale yellow fragrant flowers.
- Female flowers are located in the axils of the leaves and consist of 3-4 inflorescences.
- Male-collected in bunches, reminiscent of the inflorescences of umbrella plants.
- Muskatnik fruit is the size of a chicken egg.
- The hazelnut itself is placed in a red leather basket and surrounded by an inedible fleshy pulp of apricot color.
- After the fruit ripens, the outer part is removed, the fruit is dried, and the red peel is removed, but not thrown away, it is used as a raw material for the production of essential oil.
- The nutmeg itself, freed from the Shell and rind, is carefully dried and sold as a seasoning.
The composition of nutmeg
This exotic nut consists of 20-40% fatty oil, and 5-15% aromatic oil, the remaining percentages account for the solid part, which includes:
- Myristicin and xylitsin - substances equivalent to drugs - hallucinogens.
- Safrole - an aromatic substance that gives nutmeg a peculiar aroma.
- Camphene is a terpene hydrocarbon with a characteristic camphor odor.
- methylegvenol - a constant component of most essential oils, attracts insects to pollinate flowers.
- linalool is an aromatic alcohol compound used as a fragrance in cosmetics.
- α-and β-pinene-bicyclic terpenes are present in the essential oil of nutmeg.
- Geraniol is an aromatic substance used in the composition of perfumes.
What are the benefits of nutmeg?
The selected composition, most likely, positions nutmeg as an aromatic substance with a tart taste, astringent aftertaste, and a peculiar aroma reminiscent of Musk. And this is fully justified because it is used in cooking as a seasoning that gives a special flavor and taste to dishes and drinks. But this is not the only advantage. Now the properties of nutmeg have been well studied and one can definitely note its positive effect on the human body:
The intestines benefit from its use
It is known that nutmeg eliminates constipation and soothes diarrhea. Nutmeg is safe to use in small doses, but it can be toxic in large quantities. Nutmeg can be used to flavor food or made into tea. Nutmeg is a good source of manganese, copper, and magnesium.
benefits of nutmeg Can relieve muscle pain
In addition to its well-known benefits for myositis, neuralgia, and migraines, Nutmeg has also been shown to be an effective remedy for muscle pain. Nutmeg is a natural analgesic and is more effective than over-the-counter pain relievers in relieving muscle pain.
Promotes the outflow of bile and heals the spleen.
Nutmeg is famous for promoting the outflow of bile and healing the spleen. This natural remedy is often used to treat a variety of diseasisstion, including heartburn and bad breath.
It is effective in the treatment of nausea and vomiting and is used as a seasoning in many dishes.
benefits of nutmeg have tonic properties
Nutmeg is a spice that is believed to increase a person's energy and contribute to an increase in strength. It possesses tonic properties and has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes.
Because it's an alarm clock. Also, it has a very pleasant aroma, which can be used to make a person feel more relaxed. Finally, it can be used as an aphrodisiac, which can be useful in increasing libido.
Promotes resorption of benign seals
Nutmeg is a popular spice and has many benefits. It is useful to use with mastopathy. Mastopathy is a skin condition that causes pain and swelling. Nutmeg is a natural remedy for mastopathy.
Nutmeg is a valuable spice that has many benefits. It is useful to use it with mastopathy, a condition that causes breast swelling. The spice helps to promote the resorption of benign Seals, which can reduce the amount of pain and discomfort experienced by a person.
As you can see, nutmeg in reasonable doses can bring a lot of benefits to the human body.
benefits of nutmeg and its uses in cooking
Any experienced Cook will tell you not to use nutmeg powder as a seasoning. Because after opening the bag loses its property within one to two hours. It is always better to use whole nuts and grind them before use in a coffee grinder or grate them on a fine grater, carefully packing the remaining walnuts in plastic wrap.
Use nutmeg as a spice in cooking:
- Dishes from potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, and spinach.
- Meat dishes from young beef, pork, game meat, and poultry.
- First courses - soups, hot and cold soups, bean soups.
- Desserts - pastries, mousses.
- Hot drinks - coffee, tea, wine.
In cooking, as a seasoning, not only the hard nut itself is used, but also the red seeds of aromatic nutmeg, also called Nutmeg color. Color is often used for making drinks and desserts, nuts, like heavy artillery, when preparing complex first and second courses.
The calorie content of nutmeg can be safely neglected because no more than 10 grams can be consumed at a time. And this is the upper limit that neither doctors nor cooks advise to exceed. And 100 grams of nutmeg contains 556 kcal
What can replace nutmeg
In a good way, it cannot be replaced by anything - it has a characteristic taste and original aroma. However, experienced chefs advise that when preparing dishes in a recipe that contains nutmeg, it can be replaced:
- Cinnamon, which, of course, differs in both taste and aroma, also refers to pungent spices that add a slight pungency to dishes.
- Seasoning Gara masala is quite a full-fledged alternative because it contains nutmeg, and even mace - its red peel.
- Grated ginger root is mixed with a mixture of spices.
As a last resort, you can use clove buds, which have a tart taste and a light musky aroma.
But do not be surprised if gourmets notice a forgery and refuse your dish, because you did not use nutmeg in the preparation, but it's analog.
benefits of nutmeg and its uses in folk medicine
The fact that this spice has a positive effect on certain organs and systems was known even by ancient doctors who actively used it:
- To increase potency in men, it is especially effective for premature ejaculation. In this case, nutmeg tincture is prepared and taken in small doses before sexual intercourse.
- It is also useful for women's health - it helps to survive PMS with less loss of emotion, and also helps to reduce muscle pain during menstruation.
- It is recommended for people who are overweight. It is believed that it contributes to the activation of metabolism, so that fat cells burn faster.
- It is used for pain in the joints and spine. A paste is prepared from grated nutmeg and vegetable oil and applied in the form of applications to sore joints, sacrum, or lower back. That is, to the places of localization of pain.
- Traditional healers claim that if you regularly take a dose of nutmeg with a spoonful of honey, you can get rid of varicose veins.
- A note for the elderly! Nutmeg stimulates brain activity, improves memory, and enhances concentration.
First of all, it should be remembered that nutmeg is a spice that is used to improve the taste and aroma of the finished dish. As such, he has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of the product.
For medicinal purposes, nutmeg should be taken with caution:
- For pregnant women, it can lead to miscarriage.
- Irritable people with a choleric temperament, it will only increase their anxiety.
- The main threat is an overdose of nutmeg, which has psychotropic properties. It is enough to use 1-2 whole nuts to fully experience the side effects.
They can be:
- Vomiting and diarrhea.
- Headache؛
- Tachycardia occurs.
- Redness of the eye
- And even mixed consciousness.
a summary
Nutmeg, a spice derived from the fruit of Myristica fragrans, is made by removing the fleshy outer layer of the fruit, which reveals a brown shell. Nutmeg is often used in sweet dishes, especially during the holiday season. Nutmeg is a source of nutrients including vitamins B6 and C, as well as minerals including manganese and iron. Nutmeg can also be used as a natural remedy for a variety of issues such as constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.